
Apr 17, 2009
i'm working on a demo song for my new band so we finished a take today so i did a little bit of production but mostly on the guitars because i want to see if im going somewhere with them or if im failing miserably, one of my friends who is quite experienced told me i need heap more mids and less bass on the guitars but i dont know where i can go without it sounding too thin and scratchy!

its called 'demo' its totally rough as fuck. The chuns sound so muddy when i crank the mid up

i'm using my mesa triple rec d.i'd with solo C and s-preshigh impulse

PLEASEPLEASE opinons! thanks
...there is a real bass in it? i used the sub dub preset on my podx3 for bass and adjusted it, sorry i didnt mention..does it need to come up? I find scooping quite a bit of the low mid on the bass makes it sound punchier but i'm quite a noob at this so i'm probably making a huge mistake here.. Im guitars sound good or they need more mids and less bass?

sounds good you should try using a warming vst on the bass and drums like TLS saturated driver or varisaturator but the guitars sound decent maybe try some different impulses! Are the drums DFH or S2?
Nah i definitely agree they need to become more noticeable so i might add some lower/upper mids for them to maybe cut through - thanks bro! I just wanted to do a partial mix so that i know what i'm aiming for before i record the entire thing.

And to ESPJ: ill scope out that warming vst you were talking about, does it just give a lift to the mix? Drums are totallynot mixed man i just needed something slightly more snappy than the unprocessed shit in superior 2.0.

I'm not really happy with the snare sounds in S2.0 anyone got any recommendations for a snappy but not overly compressed snare preset in s2.0?