New Demo :) Vocals?


Apr 25, 2011
Hey guys I would like some feedback on this song I wrote. I know the mix is not very good but I would likes some comments on the song itself (ie flow, energy, feeling etc). also I would really really like some screamo vocals to mix so if there is any vocalists that would care to have they're vox on this I would love to have them because I've now wrote a song that has had vocals on it ;P just let me know your doing it plz

Thanx a load for even looking at this ;)

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Sounds pretty good to me, but I personally would do a few small changes.
The kick is a bit too 'clicky' for my taste ( don't know if it's the right term? but I think you'll understand what I mean ) and snare definitely lacks some body. Guitar tone is awesome by the way, fits the music well IMO.
Thanx infest I agree with you I am going to change the snare and kick not that I did anything its a preset lol

and go for it buddy would love to hear what you have got :)
if there is any other vocalists that want to have a go plz do I want lots of different sources to practice mixing