New demo with Skald released


Nov 7, 2002
Malmo, Sweden
...and here we go with the whole "I'm-just-promoting-my-own-shitty-band" ;)

Well, my folkmetal band Skald have just released our second demo "Trolska Vemodsband" (anyone recognizing that line from a certain Otyg song? ;)). Compared to our first demo, we are actually satisfied this time. The songs are way stronger and the whole shobang sounds better this time.
Download it for free at and let us know what you think, either here or in our guestbook.

Stay folk!
Cool man, i really liked the songs on the first, but the recording quality dragged it down a bit. Cant wait to listen:D Its like a free album. Ill give it a listen tomorrow, im kinda busy at the moment:)
(Appologies in advance for crappy spelling and crappy grammar, have missed some sleep the last days and keep making all sorts of weird spelling errors).

I think you described it best yourself; It's better in every aspect. My first impression was that it was really good, and I like it better with each listen. I can't give an in-depth analysis of the music itself (because I can't play instruments or anything), but I like it, the melodies and stuff. One thing I noticed and liked about your vocals is that they are better sung, and not "bouncy" like they were sometimes on Sagor Från Skogstjärnen, and I like how they're arranged also (less odd over-dubbing :) ).
To give some criticism too I think the vocals sometimes don't bear all the way, like "Insvept i vildmarkens majestäät...". And they seem a blit low mixed in some places. Yet at other times I like them a lot, there are especially some places Lindormen which are really good. The recording quallity itsn't exactly studio quality, although I have to say that it gives a kind of Otyg-demo-feeling.

I was surprised to hear Lindormen, it was much faster than the earlier version you sent me before. A change to the better I must say, not that the old version was bad or anything. I think Lindormen together with När Allt Tystnar are my favourites at the moment.

On a most uninteresting side-note, the drums at the beginning of I Vildmarkens Majestät reminds me of the beginning of the Hrafninn flýgur theme.. heh.

Can I have a printed copy? Pretty please? :)

PS. Granar har väl inte pelarrot.. ;)
I think i agree with Amf. Quality was better than the last one. And i really hope you guys somehow get to do one with studio quality, because that would be just terrific! Maybe try send in a demo to a record label? It really sounds great. A very unique feel. Some songs have cooler melodies than others, but overall, great. I really think the drums, guitars and vocals all sound quite a bit better than on the last demo, but i had the feeling the last demo included more variation in different instrments. Maybe thats just me. I havent really listened to it alot yet. Ill get to it^^
Bra jobbat! Fortsätt så.
Ill say the biggest weakness is the production quality. Which is a good indication^^

EDIT: Also wanna add that i take back that i said that the At Dawn songs where a bit to much like each other. Listening lately they are definatly pretty different. I was a bit tired at the time:D
Thanks for the nice words from everyone. It is mostly appreciated.
Both members of Skald would like to hear our next demo have proper studio quality, but as it is now, this is not how we work when we make music. In reality, we probably should sit down together and really talk about how we want things to be in the future. We have talked loosely about recruiting more members etc. but we're both afraid that this would affect the feel we have when we're making music.

We are definitly more happy with this demo than our previous one, but still not enough satisfied to send it to record companies. And as before, just some week after the initial release, we have found LOTS of things that we went completly wrong with. We still need to improve the drum-programming (if we are to continue along that road) and I definitly need to improve my vocal work (which simply means; learn how to sing :)) + there's plenty of other things to do.
But once more, thanks for the nice words. It really means a lot for me, especially when it comes to progressing further.

Furthtermore, I really should cut down on my drinking... :kickass:
I won't go into in-depth descriptions like some others. I will however say, that the demo is quite good indeed. Listening it for the 3rd time in a row now:D Go record an album:P
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