New Design of

The first draft is ready and I can assure you that it looks much better than the current site! I guess it will be out by the album release. All ideas for the new site are more than welcome by the way..
The first draft is ready and I can assure you that it looks much better than the current site! I guess it will be out by the album release. All ideas for the new site are more than welcome by the way..

IMo Bd single style could be fine, atleast better than the album one, ofcourse depending onto how it's made, but with the single cover it's pretty easier to make something that looks really cool than with the album cover.

I can't wait for it either, I've never really liked the Chaos Ridden Years one and I never got to see what HB/FtR was like. I got into them when they had the HCDR one but I didn't really take notice and it was changed to AYDY shortly after.

I think it's cool that you can change whenever you want on Scythes Of Bodom, though.
I can't wait for it either, I've never really liked the Chaos Ridden Years one and I never got to see what HB/FtR was like. I got into them when they had the HCDR one but I didn't really take notice and it was changed to AYDY shortly after.

I think it's cool that you can change whenever you want on Scythes Of Bodom, though.

Go to murder archives and find: There are all design of
and Hatebreeder design doesnt exist.
yeah i'm interested to see what the new site design is like, i don't really like the chaos ridden years one either. plus seeing some new designs around blooddrunk would be cool since the only big picture that we've really seen is the album art.
I like the album cover so if the new design is similar I'm sure going to like it. Didn't enjoy the CRY theme much.

I can't wait for it either, I've never really liked the Chaos Ridden Years one and I never got to see what HB/FtR was like. I got into them when they had the HCDR one but I didn't really take notice and it was changed to AYDY shortly after.

I think it's cool that you can change whenever you want on Scythes Of Bodom, though.

Same here. Except I joined the board when AYDY was out so I didn't get to see the HCD one.
I don't have new ideas but I hope you keep amount of graphics reasonable and don't use flash. I use quite often mobile devices (mobile phone, Internet tablet) to view cobhc page and I like current page because it fast to load and current layout makes it easy to browse even thought the display is quite small.
umm... I like the current one, I like how the reaper changes position when something is selected, the new one should have more stuff like that, something like the Unearth site when you put the mouse over the candles you hear the fire and it moves, maybe there could be some scythes and when you pass the mouse over them they move and they sound.
Nooooooooooo, flash things are for wnb cools and cob is cool so no need... :D
Sry sounding like a fanboi. :)
Speaking of the "effects" (like the reaper thing now), it could be something bloody, because of the theme, of course you could have the cursor change into a scythe :lol: and it could cut through the link buttong things with some blood maybe...

(just some quick thoughts)
yeah like


Noo no not a childish scythe, but anyway I think it was a badish idea.

I think it could be something like when you touch a link it turns from grey-black to grey-red or something, or if it actually has to be something like the album cover then I don't have any idea (haven't seen the ones before Cry style).
Of course. The cursor shouldn't be a scythe. A bottle of Heineken is more appropriate. Full when away from links, empty on links.