Stymphalian Productions
Ive left kick5 behind these days, its character top end slap never fits in my mixes, but im gonna try kick 1 as you suggested. Kick 1a is more aggressive isnt it?
I gotta say, Logan Mader is a name I had never heard until people started talking about "The Way of All Flesh" - is he an up-and-comer, or has he done a fair amount of stuff that I'm just not aware of? Either way, seems like the dude has some talent!
Ive left kick5 behind these days, its character top end slap never fits in my mixes, but im gonna try kick 1 as you suggested. Kick 1a is more aggressive isnt it?
Kick1 sounds a LOT like Kick5 but WITHOUT that topend that is too much.
Kick1a is nice too, I think it is more open sounding from what I recall.
Just try Kick1 and put a steep HP at around 50hz, maybe cut some 130hz too, just play around.
This kick is really easy to make it sit in a mix IMHO.
I'm 22, but if you're referring to Machine Head, I never got into 'em tbh (not that I necessarily don't like 'em, I've actually never heard a single song by them that I know of, it's just that I'm not the biggest thrash fan, so I never bothered to check 'em out)
I'm 22, but if you're referring to Machine Head, I never got into 'em tbh (not that I necessarily don't like 'em, I've actually never heard a single song by them that I know of, it's just that I'm not the biggest thrash fan, so I never bothered to check 'em out)
you have to listen to Burn My Eyes dude.
+1 on that. And "the more things change" is badass too.
I think those 2 albums totally shit on their two lastest "100% metal comeback" releases, but that's just me.
This is badass Logan Mader (on the left with the V):
I prefer MH at that time million times compared to the current MH.
Just wanna mention I fucking LOVE this kick sound, it has such a full attack; a wet "splat", rather than some annoying thin "click" (or even worse "tick", see Behemoth's "Demigod" :Smug: )
It's fairly good, but Andy's kick still slays it, no comparison.
Review by Jordan Campbell @ metalreview.com - When the dust settles, retrospect reveals that listening to this album six times in a row is akin to eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at your local McDonald's. In the moment, noshing on that fast-food goodness is heavenly. Glorious, mouth-watering mountains of warm grease and gooey cheese are the pinnacle of indulgence. But after gorging yourself on this for an entire day, the appeal wears thin by evening.