New Discoveries

Oh do Simon! We're doing a split with them now. They have a song title that is almost the same minus one letter so we may call the EP Witchy Women. This thread is good because a lot of people will only support signed bands that appear in the press more than often. So this is getting more of a word out for bands who you think deserve some free press hahaha!

Doomed Youth have a great raw sound!! I love the drum p[roduction on it. I managed to get a drum sound very similar to that last year.
Props to Slatanic for mntioning Fallen Fate, hey're a great band. Nice fellas too

Cheers Dave, I have been quite impressed with what they have done so far, I am thankful that I added them as my friends on myspace when they asked me and so far they are sounding good

I am hoping that they are able to play in Glasgow on 7th August as they announced it but for some reason that date is no longer available

Dan was nice enough to introduce to me this band yesterday. AWESOME.

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JP band DOOM from 1987. Not new, or a particularly recent discovery, but hard to come by and not well known
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