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May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
I'm downloading the first one!!!!!!!!!!!! And the second one too!!!
Dying to hear them! :headbang:
Hell, the first track is ours I didn't realise it... the song that has been written 5 years ago - actually the first one of FS. So...
Rakoth - I am shocked! I do not believe it is them... I need to listen to it again.
*dloaded& carefully listened*

Forest Stream - one of my favourites and shall remain as such! :D

Rakoth - well, i have never liked them and i still feel the same way about their "creative works" :bah:
well, personally i prefere RAKOTH, I was a bit disappointed by the too "Dimmu Borgirish" sound of Forest Stream, even if i still liek the band a lot, just hope that the rest of the album will be more personal.

I will always and forever support bands like RAKOTH who don't care a shit to please everyone. they do what they want, experimenting and changing with every album, trying to sound 100% RAKOTH and not 40% Emperor, 20% Opeth, 35% In Flames...

we are talking about bands on ELITIST records, not (hopefully) Nuclear Blast, that's why I always expect something different , new, original and outkast from Lee.

for "first-class glossy catchy-xeroxed bands" just look somewhere else.
Dimmu Borgirish? Well I think one can hardly avoid some influences nowadays concidering the situation when the typical metal band uses guitars, keys and drums... Strangly enough nobody's bothered with classical music where one is just unable to distinguish a violin from a violin. Personally, I listen the MUSIC of a band and not the WAY IT SOUNDS.
QUOTE]Originally posted by Emi
well, personally i prefere RAKOTH, I was a bit disappointed by the too "Dimmu Borgirish" sound of Forest Stream, even if i still liek the band a lot, just hope that the rest of the album will be more personal.

I will always and forever support bands like RAKOTH who don't care a shit to please everyone. they do what they want, experimenting and changing with every album, trying to sound 100% RAKOTH and not 40% Emperor, 20% Opeth, 35% In Flames...

Dimmu Borgirish? I even doubt that you have heard Dimmu Borgir because Forest Stream, in my opinion, has NOTHING in common with this band.

To begin with, who said that any band should please anyone? It is widely known that there are as much opinions as people - you canNOT possibly please everyone - even if you really want to. Besides metal music is NOT about pleasing the masses, it is about MUSIC itself.

When people start experimenting with the sound, they should be really careful, because the experiments might end up with SOMETHING that causes pain to your ears due to absolutely horriable sound, rhythm, vocals....(unfortunately, we all have an obvious example...)

The fact that one prefers a band to another doesn`t mean that the preferred band is better. In the end it`s all the matter of taste: some people have it, some don`t. there is nothing to be done about it.
Well actually I like the new Rakoth's song!!
But it is just really STRANGE one!!... Ambient you say?
Well... I like both, but I prefer Rakoth. It has good melodies and arrangement and it rolls, eventhough it is quite "slow" and athmospheric/ambient... Good song.

One thing though... Would it be impossible to put ID3 tags in the files? I know it's just a little thing, but I'd like it better if the files I get are tagged. Juts a suggestion...
I`ve had the Rakoth tune for a while, and even though I did not like it at first, it really grew on me. If the rest of the album had been of the same standard, they could have been on to something great.

Hehehehee... my pants... Well actually I like Dimmu Borgir. And Emi pleased me saying we sound Borgirish! After all their recording budget was 100.000 Euro while pants...
Maybe 10 Euro... meybe 5...
Poooooor we...mama...
*went begging*