New DragonForce song

Playing random notes like a machine gun doesn't hit me in the slightest with "great guitar playing", sorry

Amen! Watch this guy on the same stage with cats like Satch, Paul Gilbert and Marty Friedman and it becomes rapidly evident just how "great" he ain't!

Herman Li is what I call a "Guitar Center God". One of these guys who incessantly practices nothing but sweep arpeggios so they can go spooj them out and impress the kids in the music store. He has somehow managed to take it a step further than 90% of his fellow GCGs and put together a band which, against all logic, some people apparently actually like, but I'm still baffled how this guy has a signature guitar! Sure, he could shred most of us under the table, but that still doesn't change the fact that he doesn't have an actual musical bone in his body!

I think my dislike of this guy is bordering on the irrational, so I'll shut up, now! lol
They're like polar opposites. Gilmour has more musical sense in his pinky than Li has in his entire body. Basically Gilmour knows just when, and when not to play, and Hermin Li just won't shut up with his nonsense.
Herman Li and Sam Totman just pick as fast as they can and play random notes........
Al Di Molea, however, picks as fast, if not faster, but actually HITS THE NOTES HE MEANS TO.
Can't say I'm surprised with the ridiculous double bass, cringe-worthy solos and generic singing.

BTW, haven't heard the song yet, just thought I'd post this now...

I haven't heard the song yet.. But yeh.. I guess you'll probably be right.

Come on myspace, load you mother fucker! LMAO Ultra Beatdown?! ..Jesus.. What a cringe-worthy album name..

The video for Heroes of our Time if anyone wants to check it out.

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I never could stand them. If you want good progressive power metal, listen to Symphony X or, to a lesser extent, Kamelot. Case closed.

Wow, exactly my thoughts. +2345667

As for DragonForce: aside from their obvious obnoxiousness, why are their songs that fucking long? Jesus. Also, I'm smelling some studio trickery here. Their playing in that 'betcha can't do this' video was pretty bad, but in the music video they were playing like (wank) gods. =\

To the parody video: hahahahahaha! +534549875

Crap, I'm giving out points like crazy. @_@
That music video was something unbelievably terrible.

As if the old vids weren't bad enough, they had to do that. I'll be sure not to touch to any new Dragonforce song even with a long stick from now on.