New DragonForce song

I also like how they cut out every great great guitar part. The actual song is 7:13.

edit: It's still pretty amazing to watch Herman Li play. Pretty crazy soloing, unbelievable speed, just really gay to get that "am I watching Atreyu perform?" vibe from this vid.
I just want to see them play* those wank solos live

*totally fuck up.

"Totally fuck up" is about right!

If I were in the mood to watch some good prog-metal shredding, I'd have to agree that seeing Michael Romeo & Symphony X live would be the ticket I'd be looking for!

Hell, I'd stil rather see Dream Theater. I had gotten rather tired of them having seen them like 8 times before PN '08, but they really put on a better show than they have in years this time around. Anyone else notice that James LaBrie is in DIRE need of some hair plugs? Jeezus James, you got to get on that, bro!
I saw both Symphony X and DT live last year (Symph X opening). Symphony X was great and DT wasn't too bad either although I almost fell asleep half the way through their show. :p

But if I wanted to see pure guitar shredding, Paul Gilbert would be my choice, that guy is just damn perfect live. He'd destroy the DF dudes with his rock n' roll spirit alone!
I saw both Symphony X and DT live last year (Symph X opening). Symphony X was great and DT wasn't too bad either although I almost fell asleep half the way through their show. :p

But if I wanted to see pure guitar shredding, Paul Gilbert would be my choice, that guy is just damn perfect live. He'd destroy the DF dudes with his rock n' roll spirit alone!

If you're talking pure, badass, musical shredding, there are very, very few people (now that Shawn Lane is gone, anyway) Paul Gilbert wouldn't just utterly blow away! I was thinking more in the prog-vein, but like I said earlier, I got to see Paul Gilbert on stage at the same time as Herman Li, and Li isn't even in the same sport as Paul, let alone the same league!

That's what made me really, really dislike the guy. Paul's blazing a truely shit-hot, smokin' solo, and Herman Li was standing in front of him acting like an ass, making the jerk-off motion as if to say Paul was the wanker! I was with two buddies who really aren't into metal or shredding at all (Satriani was the only guy up there they'd even heard of), and even they were going "What the fuck is with that shitty Asian guy? He couldn't carry that tall dude's strap!"!

Extremely jealous, btw, that you got to see SX & DT at the same show, that had to have been sweet! Sadly, I still haven't had the chance to catch SX live yet. :cry:
Ok, so I heard the song, and it felt like their guitars were crying - but not in the good David Gilmore way, but crying like a baby.... that got bitch-slapped.... after being kicked in the balls. It was just uncomfortable to hear.
For some good prog metal shredding check out Between the Buried and Me and Symphony X. They can actually PLAY their solos not just "write" them. And they're well written, not just mindless wanking. God I hate DragonForce...

Both of the bands also have some beautiful, emotion filled solos and parts to their albums unlike DragonForce which is entirely bare of all emotion.
Warning: The video you are about to see is full of cheese....
I dont' really care about the "scene" opinion.
So i love the song ofcourse.
Say what you guys might, they are talented.
I love when people call things wanking and they can't even do them in the first place.
Oh and i also love people pretend metal isn't double bass, screaming and for the most part "wanking".
You dig metal or you don't, but don't blame Dragonforce for what most of the metal bands do anyways ya know.
I love metal for the "wanking", screaming and double bass, Dragonforce has that, so i love them too.