New Dream Theater disc

Aug 15, 2001
Has anyone else picked up the new DT disc? I've been through it a few times and I really liking the direction that they are going in! Labrie stays in the mid range most of the time much like the last disc and this is a big improvement for me. This disc definatlely sounds different from their other stuff and it has more crunch!
I haven't listened to the whole thing...just the first disc. I think it is ok...but I guess it is one of those CD's where you have to listen to it for a while to decide whether you like it or not. I kind of thought it was too mellow, not enough of the heavier riffs that Petrucci uses. Maybe I'll like it more after a few more listens.
loudsilence: "I haven't listened to the whole thing...just the first disc. I think it is ok...but I guess it is one of those CD's where you have to listen to it for a while to decide whether you like it or not. I kind of thought it was too mellow, not enough of the heavier riffs that Petrucci uses. Maybe I'll like it more after a few more listens.

An opinion from a DT fan I know said the second CD has some really good parts. Have you listened to it yet?

Rain washing clean all the sins.
A liquid gown that covers all.
Hi Opet,
Actually I did listen to the first 4 parts of the second disc and there are some cool parts, as far as being heavy (Dream Theater heavy, hehe). So I was happy with what I heard so far. I've noticed a lot of the bands that have been around for a while, the members chop off their hair. I guess they get tired of it after a while. Now James LaBrie is the only one with it long.
Outstanding! Petrucci's guitar is more upfront, more dominant, and LaBrie is more restrained ("more midrange" as someone else said, he can sound terrible when he tries to hit high notes, he doesn't do that to much here.) This disc is more agressive, production wise and musically, than the last couple. Early favorites-The Great Debate, and all of disc 2 (some parts are jaw-dropping-ly :OMG: amazing1). Very worthwile purchase!

P.S. Anyone else get the live SymphX double disc? What a waste of $$$!:(
Originally posted by dolphz
P.S. Anyone else get the live SymphX double disc? What a waste of $$$!:(

I was wondering about that... What's wrong with it to make it a waste of money? This is the first I've heard anybody say anything about it...

New DT album rules! I've been listening to it all week... I thought Scenes was their best yet (my opinion) but it's sliding fast...
The live SymphX disc comes off very bland, uninspired, unenergetic, and poorly produced. I like the band a lot, esp. Divine Wings, but the live disc disappointed the hell out of me.

Caution, this is only after two listens, so maybe I will be more impressed with it later. I bought the SympX live disc, the Dream Theater Six Degrees, and Eternal Tears of Sorrow-Chaotic Beauty within the last two weeks, and the SympX disc just doesn't even come close to either one of the other two.
Can' Dream Theater...fucking excellent album...maybe their best...42 minutes of genius...five great songs on disc one...losing sanity, end of transmission...

You like? Good. I won't be buying it for another month or so, but it's good to finally hear more supportive comments about it. Outside this forum I haven't hear too much praise.

"Cold fingers mark this dying wreck.
This moment is mine."
After a listen or two, I hadn't warmed up to disc 1 (I already had TGP and loved it though). I liked it somewhat but I thought there was a lack of shorter songs, then I put in disc 2 and realized they were all right there. Then after loving disc 2 I went back to 1 and found out I liked it a lot now. So that's good. I knew I'd like it. I just hoped it wouldn't take long.

I hear a number of fans saying negative stuff about the album, but then a number of fans didn't like anything after I&W.

Hondo: "I liked it somewhat but I thought there was a lack of shorter songs, then I put in disc 2 and realized they were all right there.

Hey! :)

Just was wondering why you say that - "lack of shorter songs." Why does that matter to you? It never has to me so I'm going to ask someone straight out.

If you want to hear music, you put it on. Are you in a hurry and don't want to miss the last few minutes of a long song or something? What? If you're going to play music...that's it. How does the length of songs on one album make it not as good as another album, with more breaks between the music?

I know it's your opinion to like shorter songs, but I wanted more of an explanation to your opinion. Help me understand so I don't keep looking at people that say this like :err: I can usually explain why I don't like something. That's all I'm asking you. Why?

"My ashes within your hands.
Oh, you know. Most of their other albums had like a few 10 minute ones and a few 4 minute ones. I wasn't sure if disc 2 was split into tracks or not. Albums with only long songs can be hard to crack and take longer to get your mind around.

Maybe I was just feeling impatient at the time, because I don't actually care now and have learned the songs with ease.

I know why you ask though. What's the difference between 4 5 minute tracks and 2 10 minute tracks? Honestly I don't know but now and then I feel the difference.

I was talking to a guy last semester who was way into hardcore and punk, saying how he loved 30 second songs and stuff, and he didn't care if they all sounded the same. Said he could listen to them for hours. But he didn't like long songs because they were repetitive or something. It's curious.

Trapped...just buy the goddamned thing!

I am broke as, man. Flat broke. I just spent $200 on Cds and records... !!

I prefer to know what I am buying before I buy it... I hate it when i buy CD's that i hate. Gah. That is my pet-hate.
That's the one. The Great Debate. The stem cell song. :rolleyes: Sorry, it's all good. I'm not really put off by it...or am I? :err:

Hondo: "I was talking to a guy last semester who was way into hardcore and punk, saying how he loved 30 second songs and stuff, and he didn't care if they all sounded the same. Said he could listen to them for hours. But he didn't like long songs because they were repetitive or something. It's curious.

True, the repetitive choruses. One of the many things that I love about Opeth. They repeat the same riffs, but there's still so much variety in each song. There's nothing worse IMO than a song that ends with the same chorus line and riffs over and over then fades out. It's annoying not to mention completely unoriginal. In my mind I'm thinking "Why are you doing that? Don't you think that's gay? Stop it!" :mad:

"Waking up to your sound again,
And lapse into the ways of misery."