Dream Theater?


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
I wonder what Dan thinks about them? They are probably my favorite band right now, along with Opeth. their new disc is a Masterpiece, i listen to disc two of it like twice a day! Anyway i'd be interested to find out... it's not like Dan because he has never really ever tried technical stuff, always been more about the song, but i think Dream Theater has both aspects nailed. So Dan, if you are reading this, do ya like them?
On his website, Dan mentions Dream Theater as one of the bands whose type of musice he likes. I don't know what he thinks of the newer stuff though, as I haven't seen the new interview of Jim Raggi (LOTFP). I've really gotta get that!
I so agree... They have always been one of my favorite bands, and now that LaBrie is singing better (IMHO of course... never cared to much for the high pitched wide vibrato stuff) they are unstoppable :D And i read your review... and i couldn't agree more about Solitary Shell... the first few listens i was only hearing the music.. but about the 3rd listen i really payed attention to the lyrics and as happy as the song sounds... it is quite sad! I got that choked up feeling in my throat hehe, beautiful.
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
I so agree... They have always been one of my favorite bands, and now that LaBrie is singing better (IMHO of course... never cared to much for the high pitched wide vibrato stuff) they are unstoppable :D And i read your review... and i couldn't agree more about Solitary Shell... the first few listens i was only hearing the music.. but about the 3rd listen i really payed attention to the lyrics and as happy as the song sounds... it is quite sad! I got that choked up feeling in my throat hehe, beautiful.

Hmm La Brie sounds better NOW? :eek:
His best times were on the Images And Words album, then his voice got worse sadly :(..

Well opinions..
Yeah, being the genius Dan is I'm sure he realizes Dream Theater's old stuff is absolutely superior to the new. Lutz hit the nail on the head. La Brie's voice went from emotional and spectacular to just plan mediocre on this new double cd. Alsot the lyrics were better on Images. Emotional open ended poems. I have not fully analyzed this new cd b/c it is hard for me to get into, I've determined the second cd is surely better than the first. Songs like "The Great debate" almost suck. I hate lyrics about real-world political issues with politicians voices dubbed in the back throughout the song. I guess it is supposed to make you feel smart like you're dealing with some real serious shit but really it's just silly to have that crap in music, takes the creative artistic part out of it for me. I did like Scenes from a memory a lot and haven't given up on this new cd yet, but I am convinced DT was best in their young days as are most bands. I'd like to say Images and Words is my favorite album off all time from any artist in history, there ya go!
YEAH I love Space Dye Vest.......even though I've asked a few people and noone seems to know what a Space Dye Vest is, any ideas??? Kevin Moore is missed for his lyric writting ability.
I got this from http://www.space-dye.com/space-dye.html
Kevin Moore told the following to a Japanese interviewer:

It was inspired by... I was looking through a clothing catalog and saw a picture of a girl modeling this piece of clothing called a space-dye vest. And, so, I fell in love with her [laughs] for some strange reason & so the minute I did that, the minute I was just like obsessed with this person, I was like, 'why am I doing that?' & I noticed that I was doing it a lot lately. And I think the prime reason that I was doing that, and this is what I figured out at the time, was that I had just come out of a relationship where I'd gotten dumped, basically, and so I think the situation was that I wasn't finished giving all that I was ready to give, so I was just, like, throwing it around, you know, just aiming it in different directions. It was a total case of projection. And this song is just trying to sort it out & just kind of admitting that I'm just kind of lost. So it's kind of a dark song. It was very cathartic though."
Honestly, I've never really tried to figure out what it means until now. But here's my guess, based on a little contemplation and listening to the song once more.

I think "love in a space-dye vest" could refer to the idea that love is a "many-splendoured thing." That it takes the guise of some amazing, beautiful thing with all the colours and wonders of the cosmos, and the ability to make everything right. But that when you face reality you have to deal with the fact that you're on your own. Things don't work out magically, you have to deal with the pain that comes with being alive and take responsibility for your own life. So a "space-dye vest" is kind of like the concept of rose coloured glasses, or a fancy costume or disguise.

(That said, I could be completely wrong.)

Edit: I was posting this as Ominous Luminous was replying, and as predicted I was wrong. Oh well. :)
Ah yes.. Space-Dye Vest!
One of my favourites also from my favourite Dream Theater cd.
Though my fav Dream Theater song would probably be "Scarred". It's one amazing track I can't get enough of!

And I agree that The Great Debate is pretty crappy and annoying with those voices..
Scarred is also one of my favorites, and being followed with the wrenching Space Dye Vest makes for perhaps the best eighteen minutes of Dream Theater's career. As for Labrie's voice, I think it has improved since I&W, at the very least he's become more comfortable with the more aggressive moments (as on The Test) and more versatile.
Welll for me the discs rank like this...

2. 6DoIT
3. I&W
4. Awake
5. FII

I don't count any singles or anything (like ACOS) because they aren't real albums. Anyway i REALLY think that DT has matured A LOT on the new disc, the lyrics are great i thought on the second disc... i don't understand how people can be disapointed in the new album, i think it is just great! And are you kidding?!? You don't think Goodnight Kiss or Solitary shell is an emotional performance from LaBrie? I never ever got emotion out of his voice really until those songs.
Ok, my rankings..:
1. Awake

2. Images And Words
3. Scenes From A Memory
4. 6 Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
5. Falling Into Infinity
7. A Change Of Seasons
6. When Dream And Day Unite
Hi there...

Dan here.
Yeah...The Cat Lady got all the right answers!!!
I am really into the second album and bits and piece of the first and Awake.
I haven't given the other albums much of a chance,
but it is just as if your favorite drinke suddenly tastes different..why go on drinking it when you know it will never taste as good as it used to. The ingredients have changed and there is no way that it can ever taste as sweet as it used to when it was made out of fresh stuff.... Then there's always the people who will tell you the new improves taste is much better than the old one.....with just a zip of the stuff that came after Awake (and that came after "Kindness.." with Spocks..."Holiday in Eden" with Marillion etc. etc.) I just feel that I rather leave it and search for the joy that Images & Words gave (well..gives, really) me in other bands..these days I get such kicks out of the 2 GIANT albums and the first John Elefante album that it scares me!!!!
Yeah! I knew Dan would be an Images fan. :)

I do the bits and pieces thing with their first cd as well "The Ytse Jam" is one of my favorite DT songs, awesome! Their lead singer had to go though, sorry Charlie. Awake is my second favorite DT cd and Scarred is my favorite off of that one. :)
I agree, the first cd has some great songs like Ytse Jam, The Killing Hand, Fortune In Lies..

And yes, the singer was not good at all on that cd,thats why I do not like that one so much..
"The Killing Hand" preformed on the "Live At The Marquee" cd is really great with La Brie on vocals.. though he is destroying his voice with that scream in the end of that song...