New drumsound

This is exactly the kickdrumsound i'm after. Would you mind telling me how you got there. eq, comp, detune??? special plugins??? etz....
i'm working with ez drummer and the dfh expansion and i'm having a hard time getting to a drumsound similar to yours.

Comes close to into eternity's latest. one of my favourite drumsounds.

The release on the toms is too long, you get runover of the lower bass freqs which muddies the sound. By my estimation it's something like 4 seconds or so, which (imho) is too long.

Although it's all in phase the snare doesn't seem to have that much phase cohesion - maybe flip the phase on the snare's underside mic if you've not done so already, see what difference that makes? It just doesn't sound quite defined enough to me.

And of course it's bathed in reverb, maybe notch it down a little bit but I guess when you stick the drums in a song all the reverb'll be less obvious anyway.

Sounds good though, and I'm a drummer. ;)
@Audio: this is the drummer & the kit


Going into a Neotek Elite M2 desk (using the built-in-pres). Then into Apogee converters.

Don't remember kick mic, snare is both SM57, toms are 421s. don't remember OHs either, coulda been Royer.

Snare replaced 40% with Andy's snare sample.

Kick / Snare / Toms bussed to one "Kit" group and compressed with Sonalksis comp. Hat/Overheads bussed to one "Cymbals" group and compressed with Sonalksis. Kit & Cymbals bussed to one "All Kit" group and also compressed with Sonalksis.

"All Kit" group new yorked to Voxengo Crunchessor.

All EQs are fairly regular for this type of music. Lows boosted, mids scooped, attack region boosted. All EQs are Waves SSL EQ (not Channelstrip).

@ Christopher:

Yea, the ring of the toms will definitely be gone once I track stuff with it. I just like the "power" and "boom" of those ungated toms for "drum only" recordings. I will see about the snare. I test mixed it at home on my songwriting setup (Tannoys Reveal Passives placed awkwardly ...) and I don't hear any problems, but thanks for the pointer!
even the stick sounds are exactley the same in dfhs, lol

maybe your mp3 link got mixed up with a dfhs sound clip that you made, but the link definately points to an mp3 that is audio of dfhs