New EP I've been working on FINALLY released


Oct 26, 2009
Hey guys. Haven't posted on here for a LONG time! Glad to be back. Been extra busy lately.

I just wanted to post this not only for the mix but, because the band fucking RULES. I Produced/engineered/mixed/masted and wrote some of it!

Let me know what you think :D

Note that they are coming back up to the studio in a few weeks to finalize everything, so the master might change a tad.

I love the band.. They're marketable, but they're relatively unique in the field you know?

Cheers! :)

Well, i'm not stamping my ground and shouting that they're not GOOD or talented :D They definetly are marketable, which is a great thing allthough there's a lotta hype about bands in that genre being WUSSIES 'n all when achieving the level of "market value". But this band obviously hit's that factor in a way that's not so gay. Well little gay. But in a manly way! The way they did it on 80's.... no that's too manly. Semigay. :D hahaoarharh medication ->

Very good mix, fits the band.

What about drums samples involved?

Giuseppe [giubis]
the kick sample is kinda fucked up , sounds like its flaming ... really annoying on headphones
except that sounds really nice :)
I really dig this. The mix is great and the band sounds a lot like The Devil Wears Prada's newer Zombie EP. The only thing that kind of stuck out to me was the way some of the guitars were edited would often suddenly be unnaturally cut off in the beginning (and a few points throughout the song). I really look forward to hearing the whole EP, though. What's the name of the band? I'd like to follow their stuff.
Am I supposed to hear fizzy distortion in the vox?? There's a hint of buzz in the vocal tracks and for some reason it bugs the shit out of me. Other than that though, holy fucking badass mix!
Guitar and Tom panning sounds really strange to me, or at least it sounds strangely panned. guitars quite narrow and toms super wide
Not a huge fan of the vocal processing, the distortion makes the whole mix sound like its clipping.
They could also sit a bit better in the mix, with less highs on the guitars an more in the vocals.
they are very muffled compared to the guitars
the bass/guitars/kick drums could also a bit more glued.

Overall it works great for the band tho

snare is really nice!