New ESP Guitars and Basses for 2011

Did you play a sub 400 series guitar or 300

1000's mostly. I have a few friends with endorsements so I get to check out a lot of guitars, but the EC 1000 I played last night was actually at Sam Ash. I picked it up because it was the silverburst and it caught my eye. Just felt way too cheap though.
I want this guitar SOOOOO much

I own this bad boy:

Badass! comfy, too

I don't know whether I like this or hate this.

On one hand, 7 string teles are cool, on the other making it an arch top makes it look like it has down syndrome.

On one hand it has all the right options to be a sweet metal guitar, on the other, Suicide Silence and deathcore in general are awful and I really couldn't reconcile supporting either regardless of however small a support gesture buying one of these would be.

Incidentally, that inlay sucks. As tired as I am of the gothic stuff Schecter ram into all their fretboards, that's probably the worst inlay on a Schecter yet. I know it's his signature and it has to have his name on it somewhere, fine, put it somewhere where it doesn't completely ruin the look of the neck. If that was a totally blank board, that would easily make up for the body looking like it's having an allergic reaction to a bee sting.

I suppose I do know whether I like it or hate it, looks like the latter. What a waste. Does anyone have any info on the Steve Smyth 7 string supposedly coming this year?
If I could just get one of these left-handed:

would be the last guitar I buy. I'm a huge fan of ESP/LTD but they dont cater to the lefties very well these days. I believe Erkan has the LTD version of these.
Well I'm glad I don't like ANTHING linked in this thread, I can't afford another guitar :lol:

Seriously though, if I need another guitar for any reason in the next couple of years I'm pretty sure I will be looking in the second hand market. Everything looks the fucking same or just like absolute crap for the last few years.
I kick myself more and more each time a company relveals their new lineup for not having picking up a vintage (ie, slightly beaten) Burny LP Custom a few years ago for under 1K. That thing felt so fucking nice and solid and looked like SEX!
If I could just get one of these left-handed:

would be the last guitar I buy. I'm a huge fan of ESP/LTD but they dont cater to the lefties very well these days. I believe Erkan has the LTD version of these.

yeah, i wish i could just buy one of these now!
waiting time for a custom order is about 1 year
plus 10% extra payment, seriously WTF ESP!?

i owned this one but it was a LTD (MH-400) great guitar!
some guitar store here ordered a bunch of lefty LTD's so i grabbed one,
they still have a few left but only the FR version :/

That mockingbird is sexy, but they are probably THE worst weighted guitars in terms of balance. Headstock straight to the floor.
That mockingbird is sexy, but they are probably THE worst weighted guitars in terms of balance. Headstock straight to the floor.

As the owner of both a Mockingbird and a Xiphos, I can say that the Xiphos is even worse than the Mockingbird to the point that I almost returned it after buying it.
As the owner of both a Mockingbird and a Xiphos, I can say that the Xiphos is even worse than the Mockingbird to the point that I almost returned it after buying it.

My other guitarist has the Xiphos. Fixed that problem just yesterday by moving a strap button. Says it hangs perfectly now. I'll find out where he moved it to if I remember tomorrow.
+1 for the more natural finishes.

But I don't know, I'd rather play the new Hetfield model than that heap of trash"Truckster" model. I own some older ESP/LTDs and they're far superior in quality to anything rolling off the line now; you really need to spend time in the store playing it before you buy it which seems to be a thing of the past for people around my area. They'll pick a guitar off the shelf, play it for half a song and drop a grand before really thinking about it.

Also, I used to own an acrylic mockingbird which basically defined neck-diving. Heaviest guitar evar.