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Hell On Four Wheels
Sep 15, 2005
Stoughton, MA
Hey ladies,

I've heard the name "The Iron Maidens" before, but it never clicked that you were a Maiden tribute band. After reading a thread on the Iron Maiden Bulletin Board yesterday, I now know the error of my ways. Yeah, I know I'm a bit slow. Guess it's because I'm nearing the ripe old age of 38:grin:.

Anyhow, I just want to say that you gals ROCK! From the little bit I've heard so far, I'm very impressed to say the least. Any chance of you hitting Boston one day? I'd love to see you gals live. I'd come to the west coast to check you out, but I highly doubt my electric wheelchair would make it that far!:grin:

A New Fan,

Welcome Chris.

You should order their CD it kicks ass!:rock:

I'm gonna see them Saturday night. I'll yell for you. :Spin:

spideyjg said:
Welcome Chris.

You should order their CD it kicks ass!:rock:

I'm gonna see them Saturday night. I'll yell for you. :Spin:

Hey Jim,

Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be here.

As soon as I can get the cash together, I'll definately look into getting their CD. It may take me some time because I live in a hospital due to my disability (Muscular Dystrophy) and I only get $60.00 a month from SSI, most of which pays my phone bill.

Hope you enjoy the show!:rock:


cpkw2005 said:
Hey Jim,

Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be here.

As soon as I can get the cash together, I'll definately look into getting their CD. It may take me some time because I live in a hospital due to my disability (Muscular Dystrophy) and I only get $60.00 a month from SSI, most of which pays my phone bill.

Hope you enjoy the show!:rock:



Aww, that sucks duder! My best friend in high school had that and it was a daily struggle for her. Welcome to the boards tho, I hope you like it here! The Maidens kick arse and they are such lovely people as well! :grin:
I'm sure you can get quite the Iron Maiden fix on the official Iron Maiden Forum and not hang out here insulting the hard working Maidens.

Geeze don't you guys have any manners at all?
Whiplash402 said:
im here for iron maiden i personally dont give a flying fuck for the iron maidens
.... with all due respect....

Hey Whiplash & MECOSARIO, we've always welcomed both of you here and you've always been welcome to post freely because we all love Maiden. But, other than just plain trying to be mean, I don't really see the point of your comment, with all due respect. There's a lot of things I don't give a flying fuck about too but tact and class come into play. Thanks and welcome to our bbs. :)
Doodoobubbachuck said:
.... with all due respect....

Hey Whiplash & MECOSARIO, we've always welcomed both of you here and you've always been welcome to post freely because we all love Maiden. But, other than just plain trying to be mean, I don't really see the point of your comment, with all due respect. There's a lot of things I don't give a flying fuck about too but tact and class come into play. Thanks and welcome to our bbs. :)

Thanks mate...sorry of I sounded like I'm bashing The Maidens, cause I am not
Doodoobubbachuck said:
.... with all due respect....

Hey Whiplash & MECOSARIO, we've always welcomed both of you here and you've always been welcome to post freely because we all love Maiden. But, other than just plain trying to be mean, I don't really see the point of your comment, with all due respect. There's a lot of things I don't give a flying fuck about too but tact and class come into play. Thanks and welcome to our bbs. :)

Agreed! This whole board all goes back to Maiden but incase you never noticed, the board at the top says "The Iron Maidens". Y'all know where the Iron Maiden board is if you want.
Hello friends,

With all due respect, please keep such opinions to yourself. This is a happy bb and we'll like to keep it that way. If you don't give a fuck about the Iron Maidens, fine, no problem. But, the Maidens pay for this bb and it is not fair to them to insult them in their own (digital)house. I'm sure you would not like for that to happen to you.

Any more complaints about you or your posts, and I will exercise my right as a moderator, delete your posts and report you to the administrator.

Of course... with all due respect....


Any questions, flames? PM me.
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