New Fear Factory Video

already seen it, but i really like it :]

thank you for sharing, and i really think you other guys should be thankful aswell, he just wants to share something he likes ( i think :err: )
Don't take this personally, but I'm freakin tired of new thread in this forum, that has absolutley nothing to do with katatonia. I rather see some dead katatonia-threads on the top then some none-katatonia -threads in the top, while the katatonia-threads getting forgotten.
I'm here for you, seriously, we're here for each other, to share things about katatonia, information, opinions, news etc. But Don't go too far! Daddy will bite!
Don't read the thread? The threads that are createn will auto get on the top of the list with a BOLD creepy colour. This is a specific katatonia-forum, their official forum. Katatonias and katatonia only. Please, if you want to talk about something that bothers you or interests you, damnit do it some other public forums and not in KATATONIAS ONLY OFFICIAL FORUM.
but if he wants other katatonia-fans to discover something that he likes, then why not? it clearly says "FEAR FACTORY" in the thread name. if you dont want to know anything about other music, that someone feels that katatonia-fans could like, then dont click the damn thread. problem solved yet?
zeroMaximum, when will you understand? It bothers people with alot of active threads thad doesn't have anything to do with katatonia. If some people here rather talk about other things, then find other forums! There are plenty of them.
Never heard of the off-topic rule?
yes, i have heard about the off-topic rule. however, i dont feel that this is really off-topic. it is just someone, who likes katatonia, that thought that we'd like this aswell. i dont understand whats off-topic about him posting this that he feels, in some way (which i dont really understand), is katatonia-related or katatonia-fan-related. i am thankful for this post.
Listen kid.... Why can't you just respect that the most of us has got alot of forums to visit, and when we check out this one, we want to see katatonia-posts/threads?!
And why can't you just respect that this is katatonias only official forum?!
Hey Varg get a fuckin grip man! There are this kind of "off-topic" threads in EVERY forum, so why the hell are you ranting about this one? Zeromaximum is right here, if you don't care a bout certain threads, ignore them, some people actually might care for stuff you don't.