New Freedom Call - Dimensions

i never liked'em, actually
but to be honest: i once ran to see FC at a festival - please don't tell anyone ;)
seriously, they can be fun for 3-4 songs...but then they bore the hell out of me...

i heard that the new album was too much "gummi bear tralala"...even for die hard FC fans - but i guess, that what steve calls a return to the innocence
It's quite good. Nowhere near Eternity, but that's not to be expected .... that album's sheer brilliance.

I especially like the song Magic Moments. Dunno, the chorus is so ... tranquil.
A real case of "If it ain't broke...Don't fix it." Alot of those riffs and even chours's sound recycled, which is a shame. Don't get me wrong, I like the album, its just nothing new from FC. Also I do cringe everytime I hear Chris sing the words "Hello Mr. Evil." Terrible lyric... Dr. Stien, Mr. Torture, Mrs. God it ain't :rofl:
I heard the new album... and i like it.. its not wat is was... but its cool...
the first albums of fc is great .. the new ones i dont like that much

12 quid.

Update: after constant listening in the car, I'm totally addicted. While Sonata Arctica's last effort was a total "cut your wrist jobbie," Freedom Call's Dimensions is so enchanting and uplifting, that I can't help but sing along, even if a few of the lyrics have more cheese than a frence desert menu! I think "Blacked Sun" is my current favourite song :p
i agree with tonberry i have listened to this album non stop since i bought it, its highly addictive, i have listened to it on my stereo and on my ipod, they have a lot of ear candy going on (real headphone stuff) which i didnt hear just listening on the stereo, Chris is a great song writer, i like his style .... keep it simple .... this album really works, its catchy and deep and has its light hearted moments like the song far away it is just brilliant, I would love to see that one live ..... :headbang: