Mutant I hate that supercow ! Dec 27, 2005 2,903 1 38 Poland Jul 28, 2009 #1 I read that it "Sounds better than any freeware" on the kvrforum... I'll have to download and check it. I read that it "Sounds better than any freeware" on the kvrforum... I'll have to download and check it.
ahjteam Anssi Tenhunen Jan 3, 2008 9,386 3 38 Virrat/Helsinki, Finland Jul 28, 2009 #2 pretty much all auraplug plugins I've heard sound like shit, but you can never have too many free plugins...
pretty much all auraplug plugins I've heard sound like shit, but you can never have too many free plugins...
Mutant I hate that supercow ! Dec 27, 2005 2,903 1 38 Poland Jul 28, 2009 #3 Well... I can't get any good "metal" sound out of it. I think it would be better for beach rock or something like that.
Well... I can't get any good "metal" sound out of it. I think it would be better for beach rock or something like that.
26 Muzak by request Sep 15, 2007 748 0 16 Sirious B Jul 28, 2009 #4 I don't do beach rock that much, but i like it. Both channels.