New Fuge song - Gordius!

Not totally digging the drums. Snare is kinda boxy and needs some more low mids. Same with the toms, too boxy and needs more lows. Kick is good though, not a typical kick but it REALLY suits the style, particularly on those triplets.

And.. with those breaks with the guitar on one side, maybe some reverb or something to even it out? It'd be alright if it was just once but it happens like 3 times I think.

Only other thing to say is THIS NEEDS VOCALS. Awesome songwriting as usual, but I can't help but imagine how awesome it would be with vocals.
A masterpiece again!:)

Yeah you should get a singer now. Why Petya doesn't sing? It's more than nothing, and he growls/sings well, isn't he?
And btw, what's up? I didn't see you on msn. Can we talk some day?:)
hehe, people were looking into my open door when I was playing it in headphones in my office loud. great composition.
Really liked the song!

About the guitar tone though - have you thought about trying something else rather than the pod? Head + impulses, an Axe-FX or even free amp-simps like 8505? I really liked one of the reamps somebody did with your DI's through a 8505. You deserve a better guitar tone! (although your current one isn't bad or anything)
Very nice composition, very dynamik song.
But the mix could be a little better, sounds still as home-record a little bit.
I think the guitar tone is some part of your style, but i woult try other ways to get good sounding guitars