New G3 Tour


Active Member
Nov 29, 2001
Warsaw, Poland
VAi and Satriani once again are going to stomp out loud. This time their 3th guitar fellow will be noone else then Yngwie Malmsteen himself :D The only gig will take place on the 11th of November in San Diego, California. You can order tickets already by Ticketmaster service.

I say, it will kick ass, maybe if they go into blues... :worship: Ill be most happy if someone would take some bootlegs of that gig.
If the gig will be atracted much then maybe other shows will come...

And Yetti, even if Europe has some big tours that never come to USA, they also never come to Poland.
This is a full blown tour, not just 1 gig.

And I really love Yngwie's playing. True his songwritngs pretty stale recently, but that doesn't change the fact that he can still tear up the fretboard.
Yngvai X said:
And I really love Yngwie's playing. True his songwritngs pretty stale recently, but that doesn't change the fact that he can still tear up the fretboard.

i agree, hes a totally ferocious player, but his albums have been really boring as of late.
Oh, I'd love to see them...
I was a big Yngwie fan back in the 80's, when I was a teenager :D though he's got a bit boring nowadays.
he recently played on the new derek sherinian album. in guitar world it said that he went to yngwie's place and when he answered the door, he had enough gold and jewelry to jumpstart a third world enconomy.
Meh i dont like yngwie, he's great to learn technique and theory from, but he cant write songs for shit, rising force sound like a pisstake of a judas priest tribute band but with some classical wanking in the middle. His instrumental stuff can be quite good however.

Vai is a freaking genius

and Joe is the king of easy listenin driving rock instrumentals, though i have seen him live before and even though each song is riveting, he does this same stupid legato thing at the end of EVERY song n it gets extremely boring.