If this happens, can you please make a note to shout this off somewhere? This thread .. start a new thread .. PM me .. whatever?? Lol, I just need to see this man perform, and there are no southeast dates on that Ticketmaster page. I will fly, drive, ride a rickshaw pulled by a hobo, etc. if he's doing a kickoff in Florida.

Ok, now a Florida gig is announced. Jannus Landing in St. Pete.
Saw this last night at the local House of Blues. Good show. Ripper was fucking great. I don't really want to bring up Barlow and the high notes thing again, but I'm sorry Matt, Tim owns.

Yngwie, what can you say. He's Yngwie. Great guitarist, but a prick. At one point, Tim was bantering with the audience during an extended technical glitch (I'll be surprised of that guitar tech is still employed), and Yngwie obviously didn't like what Ripper was saying, and threw something at him. Whatever. It was a good show overall, but the technical problems really were annoying. One song Ripper basically sang with just bass and drums to back him up, as Yngwie was off stage yelling at the tech for all but the first ten seconds of the song. Still, Ripper was the professional there, and pulled it off.

I'd be interested to hear how other dates went.