New Gamma Ray Cd


Feb 23, 2005
Gamma ray just announced their new album title "Majestic" and it is scheduled for a August release date.

I cant wait this maybe my most anticipated cd release of the year along with opeth and demon and wizards


Zimmerman actually is quoted as saying "Majestic" is the working title. So it's not 100% in stone... From what I've heard...

I hope they don't use Majestic as the title...seems like a lame name. But I guess Powerplant isn't that great a name either...

Still, it's great to finally have some news about this. Their website is the worst piece of trash in regards to updating information about the band. Also, Henjo has said that the album could've been released earlier, but it's being pushed back so late because of the label. Also, apparently Kai Hansen has some new type of riffing on this album. That comment makes no sense to me - but we'll see! How do you just invent a new style of riffing? :/
I dont really understand that new type of riffing either. You are right as it the working title and I was also wrong that it is projected for september not august. oops!


I hope they return to a more Land of the Free/Somewhere Out in Space style on this new release. No World Order, although a good album, did not impress me too much (for Gamma Ray standards) so I hope this new release will be better. Can't wait to hear it!
Although I might have no idea what I'm talking about, it sounds like if they have a new type of riffing, it's decidedly not going to sound like anything they've done...
booB said:
I certainly hope it DOESN'T sound anything like No World Order. What a disappointing disc that was.

Hmm, thats my 2nd favorite GR album (behind SOiS). Glad to hear the Rays are finally coming out with a new one. Maybe this can explain that recent update on Jaxx's website?