New Gamma Ray

According to the press release/bio sheet sent with new Helloween, received Monday, SPV confirmed that the two bands (Helloween/Gamma Ray) will INDEED tour together in North America "Spring of 2008" adding that everyone should anticipate Kai Hansen joining Helloween for a jam sesssion, at the end of the night! Fingers crossed!!
Don't know if it's still up, but on their website was a video of Kai in the alps, talking about the new album and such; all the while, music from the new album was playing in the background. It sounded really, really good from what I remember. I can't wait for this album to reach my CD player. And the "positive power" element Kai mentioned really makes me anxious!
Whatever happened to that DVD with the goofy title they were supposed to release a while back? Was that just a joke and I missed the punchline?
My favorite Gamma Ray songs are "The Spirit" and "Shine on". I'm hoping the newest CD is more like Somewhere out in Space. I wasn't impressed with last 2 offerings, did not seem to have any memorable songs. I can probably say the same about Iron Savior.

So I'm very looking forward to LotF part 2.
Lol, it seems I'm one of the few who liked No World Order. Induction/Dethrone Tyranny, Heart of the Unicorn, Heaven and Hell, and New World Order all stick with me long after I listen to it. *shrug* Only thing I didn't like was the "Aye yai yai" at the end of Fire Below, but that was probably just Kai being his goofy self.
I'm hoping the newest CD is more like Somewhere out in Space. I wasn't impressed with last 2 offerings, did not seem to have any memorable songs.

I wasn't a fan of "No World Order" and "Majestic" quickly faded from my interest after a few spins, however, the release you're omitting here "Powerplant" I found very entertaining with some memorable songs like Armageddon, Gardens of the Sinner & Send Me a Sign.

I would definitely be up for seeing this tour.

the release you're omitting here "Powerplant" I found very entertaining with some memorable songs like Armageddon, Gardens of the Sinner & Send Me a Sign.

I said last 2, PowerPlant would be last 3. Still it's been a long while since I've listened to any of the older Gamma Ray.
I said last 2, PowerPlant would be last 3.

Don't get me wrong, I understood - you referenced "Somewhere out in Space", and also "the last 2", so I was simply stating that release was omitted from your analysis (and not because you forgot or intentionally omitted it or anything, but just because I simply wanted to talk about it). :)

Entrerie said:
Still it's been a long while since I've listened to any of the older Gamma Ray.

Same here - I'll probably revisit at some point soon.

I actually really liked NWO as well. Catchy songs and possible the best ballad they've ever done. I think if another band had released it, it would have been received better. But for Gamma Ray - it was missing many of their traditional sounds.

Majestic was just blah. A couple of good songs, but very forgettable. Was extremely disappointed that it took so long to release the album - yet it had nothing to show for it
Don't get me wrong, I understood - you referenced "Somewhere out in Space", and also "the last 2", so I was simply stating that release was omitted from your analysis (and not because you forgot or intentionally omitted it or anything, but just because I simply wanted to talk about it). :)

Same here - I'll probably revisit at some point soon.


NP, I just did not want it to seem I did not like that album or had negative comments.
This whole discussion got me thinking about Stratovarious as well, I really hope there next album harkens back to the days of Episode and Destiny. I've also been less then impressed with their last couple CD's since Elements, don't get me wrong it's listenable but it's still not the droids I'm looking for. to me the holy trinity +1 is Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Helloween and Stratovarius. Seems like they've all tried different directions and styles since their offerings in the 90's but out of the 4 Helloween and Blind Guardian always had something reminiscent of their past styles that kept me interested enough for the new material to grow on me in a big way.