hi folks,
so, as i already mentioned in my other thread i'm looking for a monitor upgrade....well, here it is
i just got them today, so it's not quite the time to give a final review, but first impression is GREAT.
i a/b'd them against genelec 8030/8040, dynaudio bm5a, adam a7 (with and without sub, sub10 to be precise), krk vxt 6, focal cms 50, adam s2x, kh o110, and of course my old monitors, the yamaha hs80m.
my main gripe with the yammies was lack of transient detail, stereo image, and perceived depth (reverb and the likes).
having that said, right now i feel that the adams were exactly what i was looking for. there's way more detail, great stereo image, very forward upper midrange...overall very analytical sounding. the bottom end is tight, but does not really go all the way into the subs...below 50hz is more felt than heard. still, i think it's enough for mixing (mastering might be another thing). mixing speakers aren't supposed to be bottom heavy anyways, and the clarity in the mids and highs is great really.
- genelec 8030: pretty nice, great stereo image and depth, but the mids felt like cardboard.
- genelec 8040: now were talking. still great stereo image etc, way better mids, just a tad hyped in the lows. also, i felt the higher mids were not as present as i'd like.....there's a lot of talk about gennies sugar coating things, and i can definitely see where it's coming from. they sounded great, but more in a hifi way unfortunately. still, those had almost the best stereo image out of the bunch. really amazing.
advantage of those would have been that they're not as aggressive sounding, so they're less fateguing i suppose.
- dynaudio bm5a: great speakers, too. slightly hyped bottom end, but overall they were too similar to the hs80m, i didn't feel like there was enough of an upgrade really.
-adam a7: MIDRANGE!! very detailed, very revealing, also very unforgiving. unforunately there's next to nothing going on below like 70hz or sth. with a sub it was better, really good sounding actually, but the fact that a pair of a7 plus sub is around the same as the p11a's made the decision rather easy.
-krk vxt6: even more lows than the genelecs. great hifi speakers, not so great for mixing. next.
-focal cms 50: fuck those are tiny. still there's a lot of bottom end coming out of them....too much actually. once again these would be great listening speakers imho....there was a LOT of detail in the highs and mids, very cool. the hyped bottom end ruined it for me though....i didn't feel as if i could make informed adjustments with that kind of low end information.
-kh o110. didn't check them out very intensely to be honest....but first impression was that i'm not blown away. they're over my budget anyways, so, next.
-adam s2x. FUCK. AWESOME. seriously, these speakers are MINDBLOWING. crystal clear, tight bottom end that goes pretty deep, great highs, mids, awesome stereo image and depth. unfortunately they're twice as much as the p11a and way over my budget.....but once i'll have to upgrade again i sure know where to look. these are GREAT monitors. i can only imagine what the s3x sound like.
tbh it was a pretty close call between the dynaudios, the 8040, and the p11a, but as i said, dynaudio didn't feel like a huge upgrade, genelec were sugar coating, hence i went for the p11a....basically, they sound like a7's with bass, haha.
well, time will tell if they are translating well, which would make them a keeper. so far it feels like a HUGE improvement over the yammies though (they better be at three times the price ^^) . it's great to actually HEAR what the reverb sounds like, what compression does to the tracks, and most importantly i can finally hear even minor eq changes, unlike the yammies....makes me think that i was doing major guesswork back then.
anyways, i'm currently working on a mix that i've recently done on the yammies, too. i'll post something in the rate my mix section on wednesday i think!
to make a long story short, anyone who's into the adam sound but thinks the a7's lack bottom end, check out the p11a!
edit: btw, stabbing the drama, the great cold distance, and clayman sound like the most awesome albums ever on those speakers. STD sounded great on the yammies too, tgcd and clayman were almost boring though.....fuck, how wrong!. but esp. STD is absolutely unbelievable.
behemoth demigod is a huge letdown though....the plastic drums are really slapping you in your face on the adams.
so, as i already mentioned in my other thread i'm looking for a monitor upgrade....well, here it is

i just got them today, so it's not quite the time to give a final review, but first impression is GREAT.
i a/b'd them against genelec 8030/8040, dynaudio bm5a, adam a7 (with and without sub, sub10 to be precise), krk vxt 6, focal cms 50, adam s2x, kh o110, and of course my old monitors, the yamaha hs80m.
my main gripe with the yammies was lack of transient detail, stereo image, and perceived depth (reverb and the likes).
having that said, right now i feel that the adams were exactly what i was looking for. there's way more detail, great stereo image, very forward upper midrange...overall very analytical sounding. the bottom end is tight, but does not really go all the way into the subs...below 50hz is more felt than heard. still, i think it's enough for mixing (mastering might be another thing). mixing speakers aren't supposed to be bottom heavy anyways, and the clarity in the mids and highs is great really.
- genelec 8030: pretty nice, great stereo image and depth, but the mids felt like cardboard.
- genelec 8040: now were talking. still great stereo image etc, way better mids, just a tad hyped in the lows. also, i felt the higher mids were not as present as i'd like.....there's a lot of talk about gennies sugar coating things, and i can definitely see where it's coming from. they sounded great, but more in a hifi way unfortunately. still, those had almost the best stereo image out of the bunch. really amazing.
advantage of those would have been that they're not as aggressive sounding, so they're less fateguing i suppose.
- dynaudio bm5a: great speakers, too. slightly hyped bottom end, but overall they were too similar to the hs80m, i didn't feel like there was enough of an upgrade really.
-adam a7: MIDRANGE!! very detailed, very revealing, also very unforgiving. unforunately there's next to nothing going on below like 70hz or sth. with a sub it was better, really good sounding actually, but the fact that a pair of a7 plus sub is around the same as the p11a's made the decision rather easy.
-krk vxt6: even more lows than the genelecs. great hifi speakers, not so great for mixing. next.
-focal cms 50: fuck those are tiny. still there's a lot of bottom end coming out of them....too much actually. once again these would be great listening speakers imho....there was a LOT of detail in the highs and mids, very cool. the hyped bottom end ruined it for me though....i didn't feel as if i could make informed adjustments with that kind of low end information.
-kh o110. didn't check them out very intensely to be honest....but first impression was that i'm not blown away. they're over my budget anyways, so, next.
-adam s2x. FUCK. AWESOME. seriously, these speakers are MINDBLOWING. crystal clear, tight bottom end that goes pretty deep, great highs, mids, awesome stereo image and depth. unfortunately they're twice as much as the p11a and way over my budget.....but once i'll have to upgrade again i sure know where to look. these are GREAT monitors. i can only imagine what the s3x sound like.
tbh it was a pretty close call between the dynaudios, the 8040, and the p11a, but as i said, dynaudio didn't feel like a huge upgrade, genelec were sugar coating, hence i went for the p11a....basically, they sound like a7's with bass, haha.
well, time will tell if they are translating well, which would make them a keeper. so far it feels like a HUGE improvement over the yammies though (they better be at three times the price ^^) . it's great to actually HEAR what the reverb sounds like, what compression does to the tracks, and most importantly i can finally hear even minor eq changes, unlike the yammies....makes me think that i was doing major guesswork back then.
anyways, i'm currently working on a mix that i've recently done on the yammies, too. i'll post something in the rate my mix section on wednesday i think!
to make a long story short, anyone who's into the adam sound but thinks the a7's lack bottom end, check out the p11a!
edit: btw, stabbing the drama, the great cold distance, and clayman sound like the most awesome albums ever on those speakers. STD sounded great on the yammies too, tgcd and clayman were almost boring though.....fuck, how wrong!. but esp. STD is absolutely unbelievable.
behemoth demigod is a huge letdown though....the plastic drums are really slapping you in your face on the adams.