New gear - Peavey 5150


Postman Pat
Sep 10, 2006
Absolutely amazing combo to say the least.

It's in perfect condition, and it's got casters as its a heavy bugger! But seriously, wow.

At first I was a bit wary, because I'd heard bad things about the clean tone, but it's fine! It's not the best, but it's certainly not bad! But obviously, I didn't buy it to play much cleans... :heh:

The crunch on the rhythm channel is superb, especially if you have the Bright button down also, but I save this channel for my cleans, and use the Lead channel for my distorted tones.

Even at low volumes it sounds amazing, Gain on 5/6 (No more is needed :kickass: ) and you just get that feeling in your chest that only a valve amp can give. harmonics both natural and pinched leap off the fretboard, and the sustain is superb, even with my bolt on M-II.

I definitely prefer it over the 6505 I tried, not sure why, just has a different voicing!

I'll try and get more review-age later, as I'm at work and pressed for time, but if you ever get a chance to play one, please do, you won't be disappointed, and the best part is they're cheap for some bizarre reason!