New Gojira track

I feel like this song is alright, but wouldn't get any attention at all if it was just a random unknown band instead of Gojira + Townsend + Thordendal...

The tapping solo was the coolest part of the song and really the only part that got my attention.... but it was just a short section and sounds exactly like typical Thordendal. The vocals don't bother me, but didn't add much for me either.

I like the cleaner, more "metal" guitar tone on The Way of All Flesh than the tone on this. I really like Gojira's TWOAF... especially songs like Oroborus, Toxic Garbage Island, and The Art of Dying. There's just not enough happening in this song to hold my interest...
Really? The guitar sounds more like a dirty, almost mid gain rock kind of tone to me... not super defined or tight, not super gainy... generally pretty good sounding, but not spectacular and not very "metal" (in my opinion, anyways...)
I think gojira has always had more of a rock tone. I hear it too. But it totally works, and is still a heavy thick n chunky tone. The bass is just awesome and gives it that extra heaviness too.
sounds completely uninspired to me. the first two minutes or so sounds like riffs most of us wrote when we first started playing metal.
The most memorable part for me is that harmonic riffage, the outro is pure win. The guitar tone is very cool too. The drums are too dry and stale for my taste though. Which you can probably get away with in more technical songs, but this song is more about feel than machine-like stiffness.
the new song is so awesome! I am big fan of Gojira!!! (haven't been crazy to a band since Katatonia and Giardini Di Miro)

me and my fd just did a cover song from Gojira too , it was backbone

I agrees they would use a dirtier mix , TWoAF was very well produced but me myself thinks FMTS's harsh mix fits them very well!!
anyway can't wait for their new EP~!
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Yeah I don't listen to it, there is no need to get angry at me :lol:
Just discussing man

You're not discussing, you're provoking.

Even though I agree with just about everything you've said, you've managed to word it in a way where I feel dirty for it.

But yes this song is highly generic, basic and really boring. If it weren't Gojira, Devin and Thordendal nobody would give it the time of day.
But yes this song is highly generic, basic and really boring. If it weren't Gojira, Devin and Thordendal nobody would give it the time of day.

I kindof agree, which is a bit sad seeing as that track contains some of the favourite musicians. There is a serious lack of though provoking musical ideas and i found myself skipping through to find the interesting bits. I do like the devin and joey screaming duets though :)

edit: the drums are great, just as you'd expect, but the riffs are so boring that he's not really getting much to work with an hence even they sound a bit dull.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the song was boring. I saw a ton of people raving about it just because of the artists who contributed are who they are...
Im dont understand the use of the word generic sometimes. In a forum like, everything that is not a Meshuggah ripoff mixed with emo is labeled as generic . So i was wondering , is this track considered generic to you because the music is simple ?

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I listened to the track and I have to agree, it is a tad generic in that there's nothing in it Gojira havent done a million times before, and done better at that.
YouTube link gone. Was the name of the song "Of Blood and Salt?" Just curious if this was the same song I heard at another site.