New Gotthard singer...Whats your take?


Mar 1, 2004
Has anybody heard the new Gotthard singer and what do you think?
The new song is awesome and his voice just slays! I thought it was a little quick to come back, but it has been awhile, so...
I think he's an excellent choice.. his vocals are very similar to Steve. I really like the gritty emotion in his voice.

For the uninformed...

"New singer confirmed. He is Swiss!
Dear Gotthard Fans - it gives us great pleasure to announce that we have found a new singer. The successor to Steve Lee, who was killed in a tragic accident last year, is Nic Maeder and is Swiss-born. Nic was born in 1971 in Lausanne, lived in Melbourne, Australia and grew up between Switzerland and "Down Under".
"Nic not only has a great voice and is a fantastic musician, but we also have a great person in our midst", says Leo. "We can rock again at last".

"Remember it's me" can be downloaded free at"

Check out Nic's old band Maeder here:
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LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT. I'm so glad they decided to carry on, I'm sure Steve would have wanted that. Such amazing song writers.
He's got a great voice, with similarities to Steve. I am glad he's not just an imitator. I heard his former band and was pretty impressed. I think he'll be a great addition to the band. Best of luck to them!
How popular is Gotthard in the States?

Very little to Zero popularity, which is a damn shame. If they could get on a tour opening for (old) Bon Jovi or Aerosmith or Kiss in the states, I feel that would propel them into mainstream success.

While I'm glad they have continued on & I really like the new vocalist, it just still doesn't seem right without Steve. But it's not like they kicked him out, they had no control over the tragedy in Nevada.
From :

Gotthard will release their new album Firebirth on June 1. The band is in the final stages of the production of the new album - the first with new vocalist Nic Maeder.
Leo Leoni stated: "We are delighted with the new album. Songwriting with Nic and Freddy was a real explosion of inspiration and new ideas! Regarding sound and production, we have returned to our roots and we deliberately produced it with a pure -- and for Gotthard -- typical sound. For us, 'Firebirth' is the comeback album with the rating... 'back to basic'."
Bassist Marc Lynn added: "Collaborating with Nic was unbelievable -- it feels that we have known each other for ever and the euphoria in the band is now burning like a new fire. It is a true rebirth of the zest of 20 years ago, when the band took off 'to conquer the world'. Producing this album with the new line-up was a real 'birth of fire' -- we are very proud of our new baby."
Maeder's voice has been familiar for quite a while. The first single, released at the end of 2011, with the title "Remember It's Me", is still heard frequently on the radio. The free download via the Gotthard web page at was accessed countless times and started a firestorm of enthusiasm and positive feedback.
Nic Maeder continued: "It was absolutely amazing to experience the positive feedback from the Gotthard fans and the media after the release of "Remember It's Me". Now I am looking forward to the reaction to our first album together. The chemistry in the band feels fantastic and we are very much looking forward to being onstage in a couple of weeks and rocking with the fans."
One of my favorite bands......EVER. Love Nic and love that they are getting back on thier feet after going through a painful loss.

They are for sure one of the bands I need to see live!!!!