New Guitar Clip - Schecter Jeff Loomis 7


Aug 6, 2007
Im loving this guitar so far, so I threw down a few riffs to see how she sounds recorded. Its my first guitar I've ever owned with a Floyd, so I had to throw in a dive at the beginning :) Im digging it so far, still a few kinks to work out. I was a dumbass and didnt save my session file so I cant edit this until I re-record it again :mad:
I'd love a clip with guitars only. Sounding good so far, but the drums are abit loud.
What was the ax plugged into for that clip?

Yeah the drums are mixed a bit loud...I tend to mix the drums too low most of the time so I tried not to here, haha.

Guitars are PODxt. Criminal and Big Bottom models.
I dig it! I d put some more djent onto those heavy wires!:) sorry I m infected by that. :D
Im liking schecters, personally d buy a c7 hellraiser (cant handle the floyd) and tune it to A drop, for a start.
lack of money, so I ll see that axe next year :( congrats to yours anyway!:)

I <3 Drop A...thats what I did this in....

Yeah I love the Schecter 7's. I was actually torn between the C7 Hellraiser and the Loomis, but I ended up going with the Loomis. The floyd is a cool change and wasnt too hard for me to adjust to. Plus the maple fretboard just looks sick.
Sounds cool. To my ears it seems to lack the body of the all-mahogany Hellraiser, which is a tone I adore. I'm sure it will still serve you more than adequately though.

I have to say I tried a Loomis Signature model through an Invader the other day and was seriously underwhelmed by both the guitar and amp. I think the set-up on the guitar was probably just poor and that was a large factor in it.