How's this METAL mix sounding? Feedback appreciated!

"Evil" Aidy

Mörti Viventi
Jul 15, 2007
Stamford, Lincs
I'm helping out some good friends and recording a one-song-demo for their band.

They are looking to use the song for promo purposes and MySpace etc.

I haven't mixed in the guitar solo yet - that'll be over the clean guitar section and the fast part in the middle of the song.

I'm still a bit of a noob when it comes to recording/mixing (definately no Mr Sneap!).

How's it sounding so far? Any commments/hints 'n' tips?

You can check-out the band here
Thanks for the feedback! :)

I'm pretty much done with this one now - I spent a LONG time trying to get the whole thing sounding a lot LOUDER but had a bit of a nightmare with the guitar solo clipping the mix like crazy in the section where the guitars let the E power chord ring out...

I'm handing the mix over to the band now but if anyone has any further comments/queries feel free to hit me with them. I've still got a LOT to learn!

Here's the link to the final version including the guitar solo:

Roll on recording my own band's stuff..! :rock:

EDIT : Actually THIS is the final version after a slight tweak...
I just thought I'd post the finished DEMO I did for these guys. It was finished just before they went on tour with Stuck Mojo in early October.

I used the previous mix I posted on here as a reference. The guys in the band are 100% happy with it - how do you guys think it sounds? I didn't have time to post it before it was final so I can't make any adjustments now.

Any feedback for future reference?

Click Here

I know MySpace player sucks but you can get the general idea.

Guitars are quad tracked Washburn Bare Naked Lady > Firepod > Wagner > Boogex w/Fredman impulses

Bass BC Rich > Firepod > Boogex w/Ampeg impulses

Drums (tabbed by me and the band's drummer!)> DFHS w/EZ drummer pop/rock snare mixed in

Vocals double/multi tracked > SM58 > Firepod (some cupping going on with the mic too)

links to the mp3's give 404's...
from what I can judge in myspace: great guitar + bass tone!
drums sound cool, only the softer things (like the intro) sound really fake, especially the ride
vocals lack some clarity IMO, and sound cupped and a bit boxy
overall great sound though!

Sorry about the 404's, I should've mentioned that they were no longer working.

Yeah the intro was quite tricky to do. So many different velocities to remember to vary when drum programming! The cymbal swells I was really pleased with, took me ages to do them!

The vocals were kind of hit 'n' miss for me. Aggressive/growling adds to the lack of clarity I think and I was unsure how the cupping was going to affect the overall sound. The singer was cool with how it sounded during tracking though so I thought, "Hey - let's just go with it." kinda vibe.

Thanks dude! :kickass: