New Guitar Day- Caparison content...

It. Is. Beautiful. Seriously, one of the better-looking guitars I've come across to recently.. Must have cost a fortune, but looks like it's worth it. Any chance for some sound samples? (Yeah, I'm pretty late. It's been 15 months since the last post here. but this one would survive forever, wouldn't it?) The grass is quite handsome as well..

I'm keen on Flaxwood, Parker, Cole Clark or Michael Kelly. But being realistic and taking my current economical status into account, none of those are possible. Damn you, money! Why don't you grow on trees. Or, once again, being more realistic: Damn you, bosses, why don't you give more money to hard workers!

Anyway - Looks like an awesome guitar. Cheers, have fun, good luck, enjoy, congratulations, whatever you say on those occasions, 15 months later ..