new guitar tone

I like it, sounds good !
What did you use for the drums and what for the bass?

using battery 3 for drums, the cymbals are from the giant collection that comes with battery, and the drums are all sneap samples slightly processed. bass is direct thru pod 2.0 on the tube preamp setting out into a real tube preamp then to an alesis multimix 8.

guitars are direct as well, from my pedalboard(only running an EQ pedal and noise suppressor) to the pod on rectified setting for left and modern hi gain for right, out to a Marshall AVT150 head then from line out into a tube preamp then into the mixer.

id love to get a similar tone to Dimebag, particularly on "Slaughtered" from Far Beyond Driven.

ive read he boosts mids before the amp then cuts them on the amp, so i tried that on these. boosted mids all the way on the pod and boosted 400, 800 and 1.6k on the eq pedal. then cut all mids on the amp head.

anybody know how i can get closer to that tone? :headbang: