New Guitar


My Life for Aiur
Jan 13, 2007
Neo Kobe City
Im looking at bunch of guitars and its alot of hassle finding exactly what I want.. Is there anything thats not a string through bridge that isnt a pain in the ass to change tuning? bascially what Im asking for is a Guitar where I can from standard tuning to D or C and back to E without having to fuck with the springs... Is string through bridge pretty much my only option?

any suggestions/recommendations are welcome
fixed bridges allow for such a thing. You pretty much have fixed, string-thru, and floyd rose. You don't want a floyd rose if you plan to ever tune to anyting ever.
I would buy a Jackson. Plane and simple, I think as far as guitars go, for the money, they kick the most ass.

This is coming from a bass player, mind you.
you absolutely can

1 2 3

I got my Scott Ian model for under $300 off eBay. Here is one for $500 - but it's the nicer version of the one I have (with the el Diablo dimebag pickups in it)
you know that 1st one has a floyd rose on it? :mad: lol

at any rate I dunno how I feel about buying a guitar off ebay... But im just being a picky bitch. thanks for the help ^^
check out Guitar center and sam ash, georges, etc. George's are the best people to deal with, no doubt, but Guitar center and Sam Ash have a huge in house and on line selection.

Dave's ESP has tuners on it that really help lock you in place without the hassle of a floyd rose. I forget what they are called though.
hahaha, the Dave Millar approach to buying.

"Yes, I have $600 to spend, and I am interested in a guitar"