New guy could be a great resource


Mar 27, 2004
Hi all,

I'm new to your site been looking arround and it is really cool. I'm the creator of Guitar KnowledgeNet a guitar instruiction page. If any of you need help with learning guitar or music theory please let me know.

Thanks for having me,

Hey thanks guys

Erik - I'm working on an html version for some of the site but it might be a while I just started it about a month ago... It took me over a year to write the flash tools and the html version is turning out to be even more envolved so it might take just about as long. (if I can even finish it at all) But glad you liked it.
Hey, this could kinda tie in with my other thread but.

I really love your site, especially the scale generator for 3 notes a string scales. However, could you please add some really wierd as fuck exotic scales like Spannish, prometheus, Neopolitan (Sp?), Hungarian etc?

That'd be really amazin!
NeedledWarheart - I got those scales you asked for up in the Full Fretboard Finder, hope they help.

xOrdinary_Storyx - Thanks man.

If you haven't been to GKN lately come back and check it out there have been a bunch of cool changes made.
Hey Mike, i noticed you said a Dominant 7th chord is a bVII in a Natural Minor scale. Why bVII and not just VII? If its bVII then its root is not even in the scale.
Hi Melodeath,

I think you must be thinking of the Harmonic Minor scale. The Natural Minor scale does have a flat 7th its formula is 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7. The Haromic Minor scale on the other hand does not have a flat 7th its formula is 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 7.

Look at the scale below it is the E Natural Minor scale the note I wrapped like this <12> is the b7th notice its a whole step below the root note E (14). A b7 is a wholestep from the root.

Natural Minor Scale
e ------------------------------------------
b ------------------------------------------
g ------------------------------------------
d ---------------------<12>-(14)-16---------
a -----------12-14-15-----------------------
e -12-14-15---------------------------------

On the other hand this is Harmonic Minor. Notice there is only a half step between the 7th <13> and the root note E (14).

Harmonic Minor Scale
e ------------------------------------------
b ------------------------------------------
g ------------------------------------------
d ---------------------<13>-(14)-16---------
a -----------12-14-15-----------------------
e -12-14-15---------------------------------

So if I were to write out the chords for this scale it would be like this...

i - ii dim - bIII - iv - v - bVI - bVII
(Lower case are minor or diminished chords Uppper case are Major Chords, the Dominant 7th is based off a Major chord)

Let me know if this makes sense,
I see why I got confused. You use a different system than I've ever seen. If I were to write out the chords in key of the minor scale i would just put:

i - ii dim - III - iv - v - VI - VII

I wouldn't put flats to compare it to the major scale. In other words, I wouldn't put bIII just because the 3 of the minor scale is flat compared to the major. To me, if you put bIII in a minor scale, it would actually be a II.

You get what I'm saying?