New guy!

Aw there's nothing wrong with the name Dave, what are you talking about?

Anyway, welcome to the forum! What's the deal with the RSR stuff, do you work there or something?
No problemo.

I'm a 'Support Professional' [call centre phone monkey], trying to get an off the phone position at my place of employment so I can concentrate on actually building a life beyond the purpose of mere survival. Yeah, I'm actually trying to get an unofficial demotion would you believe it!
Lol as non drinker I constantly seek means of staying sane :) I'm not straight edge or any of that bullshit though, just a sober guy who loves his metal and other cool muzak...actually listening to the Terminator score while I take care of house stuff :D

Fucking hot today isn't it?
Overkill, yes I understand as I am not a huge drinker myself tho, on the oddoccasion I do like to have a tipple or 2.

Welcome itsmeguys as a fellow newbie I say " I Fffaaarrttt in your general Direction "

Its a welcoming saying among my people :p