New Guys Prog Rock Idea


Metal fool
Hey everyone,

I have been around this forum for a couple of months now, but have staved off from posting, and instead have been trying to pick up on the wealth of production knowledge that is shared in this forum, all thanks to Kev :)

Anyway I have been playing guitar for a number of years, but only very recently got into home recording and production, so it's something I still have a lot to learn about, but think I'm getting there slowly.

I have a short demo track, if anyone wants to listen to it, which I spent a couple of hours sticking together today. It's not really a full song Idea yet, but it could be. The track is available below:

I hope people have a chance to listen, and point me in the correct direction. Thanks.


Garfo. :wave:
I like the lead tone alot.
Besides bringing the rhythm up in the mix more, it also needs a little work.
Maybe some C4 or tube screamer or EQ.
How was the rhythm recorded? mic, amp, mic placement, ect...
Others will be able to help you out from here.
Hey thanks for listening. Umm, the rythm and lead tone came from my pod xtl. So the main reason I put it down in the mix, is my worry about high end fizz. I have been experimenting with my xtl for a while, and a lot of the time I always get that fizzy sound problem. It's probably just me though, I have heard some awesome sounds come out of the xtl in this forum.

Ok, I know that fizz you're talking about. I believe it's common with most if not all amp sims. I have a Boss GT-8 that does the same thing. I talked to blackneonbob about this before and I'm sure he said you have to cut the fizz with EQ, cutting the high end. You may still hear it slightly though.
There's this guy Hadley Hockensmith that makes a pedal called a Harmonic Converger that supposedly works perfectly in eliminating that fizz. Last I heard He was selling them for $250.00 USD.

edit: Also blackneonbob uses C4 so I'm guessing you'll need that to be almost as awesome as him. :)
Nice track man. BIG Maiden vibe- which i like in your sound.
Just some small tips:
try to bring the rhythm guitars up a VERY small amount.
see if you can make the O/H and the snare a bit brighter, they seem to make the mix a bit dull.
And lastly, pick slides are cool, but they're even cooler if you do them in both rhythm tracks at the same time \m/

On you way to something good dude, keep it up.

Hey guys, thanks for all the help. I ran a low pass filter on the rythm guitars, and adjusted the lead volume levels somewhat, and I think things sound a little better. The modified version of the track can be downloaded from the original link in my first post, if anyone has any further help. Thanks.

