New Prog/Tech Metal Track: 'Destructor'


Metal fool
Hey guys,

For the past week I have been working on a new song called 'Destructor.' It's a lot heavier than I usually write, but I was in the mood to create something crazy.

The audio samples I used in the track were taken from the Prelinger Archives, where they have some interesting Nuclear Testing vids from the 50's.

Anyway, you can download the track at the following link:

Hope people dig it, (the outro solo is one of my favourites so far, even though it's quite simple)


Thanks man. Glad ya dug the solo, I was aiming for melody over speed, and was wondering how it would go down. It seems people on other guitar based forums are only impressed with speed, which is rather bizzare to me. Just personal taste I suppose. :yuk:
Garfo said:
Thanks man. Glad ya dug the solo, I was aiming for melody over speed, and was wondering how it would go down. It seems people on other guitar based forums are only impressed with speed, which is rather bizzare to me. Just personal taste I suppose. :yuk:

Hey Garfo,

that's because

a) most people on the internet are mentally 12 years old
b) of course tastes vary
c) most people who like speed probably can't play fast (or at all) and therefore admire what they can't do. It takes a lot of experience to understand that playing slow with good articulation is more difficult than practicing arpeggios for 6 months ...

And for some criticism: you lost some of that good feel and slow vibrato in the later part of the solo when you move to the high notes. If you rerecord it again with a different tone, you should focus on that, because the rest is A+ in my book!
HAHA, nice man. Personally I like the guitars, they add a different character and intensity to the song, being so tight, yet without the "perfect"/ usual/ generic tone.
RE: the solo, a few lines sound like they could have been in MoP or AJFA, but it also reminds me of In Flames, and the last 10 or so seconds sound like a slow James Murphy solo haha. All good stuff.
Great track man. Tastefull, and with a messege wins in my book.