New habits/routines

I brush my teeth before showering. It annoys me to have to dry off and everything before doing it.
Fools! You might stop the living dead with barbed wire, but nothing stops a zombie moose. Come the zombie apocalypse, you'll wish you'd heeded my warnings!
Half the state of Maine's budget goes towards containing the zombie moose threat.

I'm going off topic here, but this post reminded me of something (and it does relate to Main/ budgets/ crisis prevention, so hey).

Anyway, my father works for the Department of Homeland security. I'm not sure what his specific job is these days (I think it relates specifically to chemical plants, though), but he used to be involved with infrastructure security. They have a system where they rank how important each state is to the countries infrastructure, and I suppose that goes to helping to decide how to allocate funds and manpower. So, I think it's every year they have a DHS rep from each state how will give them a report. Pretty much all of the guys from that states that aren't really important (like West Virginia) are all pissy about it and try to make their state sound more important than it is (We've got fucking coal mines and shit!), but now the guy from Maine. He seems to know and accept that Maine is largely useless, and he just goes "So, let me know if pine trees ever become a crucial part of our infrastructure. That's all we've got up in Maine".