New Hammers of Misfortune! (2CD)

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Profound Lore Records is proud to announce that we will be releasing the next full-length album (or in this scenario, albums) from HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE, one of the most exceptional, unique, and stirring metal bands to ever surface within this day in age...

In what will easily be the band's most ambitious undertaking to date, the next Hammers Of Misfortune opus will indeed be presented as an epic double album, basically two distinct albums released as a pair with a central concept and theme tying them in together. The band will be going into the studio this March with hopes to release the album this fall.

With already three monumental full-lengths to their pedigree, each album serving as a testimony on what true, creative and progressive metal is supposed to encompass, Hammers Of Misfortune are a band whose art (in every sense of the word) pretty much towers over the majority of metal bands (i.e. metal bands on big labels, and mediocre bands who get thwarted in the commercial spotlight) being released today.

Always being seen an underdog within the metal scene (as all the great metal bands of today usually are), but highly praised by the dedicated individuals and fans who recognize and respect metal as a true art form, Hammers Of Misfortune (now with a new line-up in tow) plan on making an impact once again with this next impending observation.

Just a bit of a heads up...

For more info go to:

Excellent - seems like they just released the latest album, so :kickass: for the work ethic. Looking forward to this.
i so want to like these guys

thinking about buying one of their albums for $6.99 from a distro to hear them again
i so want to like these guys

thinking about buying one of their albums for $6.99 from a distro to hear them again

I dont think you would like their latest two. However, their first one, The Bastard, I would imagine you adoring. But your tastes are hard to predict.
Very uneven, and not really worth a purchase as far as my ears are concerned. I'll throw on "August Engine" if I'm in the mood for some Hammers.

Though, I only heard TLY half a dozen times, so I may not know fuck all.
I can never bring myself to sit through that tepid, dry and ultimately rather worthless album which is The Locust Years.
The Bastard = medieval celtic pagan Thin Lizzy, with the same lush tones as Solstice, but resulting in Jethro Tull clashing headfirst with Celtic Frost: 9.5/10

The August Engine = dark, brooding, contemporary sounding Enslaved meets Rainbow in improv with Zeppelin: 10/10 A+++

The Locust Years = anti-government fueled operatics, attempting to create a "musical" of old and possibly ending up with some hit & miss results: 8/10

Next album....who knows.

One thing for certain, it'll be different. :D
Yep, he's no longer in the band. Really wasn't a part of the creative process and it was one of those "just a matter of time" splits.
What if the next trick up Cobbett's rapidly shrinking trick-sleeve is to rehash prior (and vastly superior) glories?

Well, they're only 3 albums in so it's hard to say. My main gripe with TLY was that there were too many female vocals. If they got that balance right on the next one, and the male singer is decent enough, then I'm somewhat hopeful. *shrugs*
The songwriting was also lacking a lot of the magic of the first two if you ask me.
Some of that had to do with that key element of Scalzi's vocals, but moreso the songs just lacked the distinctive character and charisma that made them HoM.