New Hard Rock Tune


Oct 24, 2007
A tad on the 80's side of things ... Would appreciate some feedback on the mix if you care to share... thanks!


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I like it. Things are kind of fighting for up front space...due to the compression. But I like the music. Maybe try more separation and panning. This song could be much wider and more full if you tweak it a bit. But sounds great so far!
I like it. Things are kind of fighting for up front space...due to the compression. But I like the music. Maybe try more separation and panning. This song could be much wider and more full if you tweak it a bit. But sounds great so far!

thanks for listening and the comments. i suspect i pushing things a bit too hard. the vocals were a bitch on this one. i'm also am trying out a new compressor... perhaps haven't grasped the final details of it yet.. i'll give it another go. thanks!
Singer sounds like James Lugo...haha he's a cool dude.