New Cut

ok gang. no rest for the wicked...

i've stripped off the impulses and added back a little eq. more subtractive than additive.

i can definitely tell a difference in presence and dynamics.

btw - i'm not sure i mentioned that parallel comp is going on with the gtr tracks as well. just thought while we're discussing this everything should be on the table.

thanks, mark

btw, lower the hats a little too, but while listening right now appears that might be able to go a tad lower.
Sounding much better now. Hats are at a good level. I think the parallel comp might be squashing the guitars a little too hard, they seem to be kind of pumping in the intro.

I've never opted for parallel comping the guitars, how does it sound without it?
Sounding much better now. Hats are at a good level. I think the parallel comp might be squashing the guitars a little too hard, they seem to be kind of pumping in the intro.

I've never opted for parallel comping the guitars, how does it sound without it?

great! thanks for all your help on this.
