New Harmony Album in the Works


Mar 10, 2011
So, for those of you who are also Harmony fans, Harmony's facebook page says this:
We've finally started to make plans regarding our third album! We're really excited, and we hope to be able to present a powerful album to you when the time comes! Thanks for your support!

I had thought Harmony was a dead project, so I'm excited. They're nowhere near as good as Theocracy, musically or lyrically, but I still enjoy their music a lot.
They're nowhere near as good as Theocracy, musically or lyrically, but I still enjoy their music a lot.
Musically, it's really different, I don't think we can compare them. I love Theocracy much more than Harmony, but I know some people who prefer Harmony...
I'm glad they'll release a new album ! :D
Harmony has always been a big disappoint to me. I'll go back to them every 6 months or so and think, "What was wrong with these guys, again?" and then I'll listen and think how boring they are.
Their second album has a really drastically different sound than their first that I think is a lot more interesting. Actually though, I like Darkwater more than Harmony (same guys, different band) as far as their sound goes.

I like to use their first album to practice drums, because they use those double kick rhythms, but they're slower than usual, which helps me develop the coordination.
I think their second album is AMAZING! I haven't spent as much time with the first album. Can't wait to hear the third.

For me, Harmony is 10x better than Darkwater (which tells you - since it's the same guys - that that's a statement of my musical tastes, not a commentary on the bands themselves :D).
Actually, I like Daniel Heiman, but I like their own lead singer even better. I love his voice. I like Inner Peace, but I think it would be even better if their own singer sang it. I will probably get some flak for this... :)
That's great to hear! I really like Harmony - didn't know Darkwater was the same guys, but that explains why I like them too :lol:. Whilst Harmony's 1st and 2nd albums are quite different I enjoy them both.
I LOVE Harmony.... but they are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo not as good as Theocracy. I personally also LOVE the newfound (by me) band, Audiovision. They have terribly uncreative lyrics EVER, but....who cares, the music still kills my ears! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Good to hear they're coming out with a newy. I really like Chapter II: Aftermath. Don't have the first album, but I've heard some songs off of it. It's good, but not as good as the 2nd.
I saw that announcement yesterday, and I'm pretty excited about it. Chapter II: Aftermath is one of my favorite albums, but I had just about given up hope of seeing a third one. I had wondered if these guys were just going to concentrate on Darkwater instead. Like Seastorm, I much prefer Harmony.

There's a BIG jump in quality between the first and second albums. Don't get me wrong, Dreaming Awake has some good moments - the title track, When Shadows Fall, Maze of the Past, and She, but Chapter II is so much better. It's progressive yet very catchy, and the lyrics (with the exception of Inner Peace) are good stuff too. The song Rain in particular blows me away. Really looking forward to seeing what they'll do next.
Personally, I wasn't blown away by Harmony, they have good songs (Prevail, Rain) but overall they didn't really appeal to me. However, since these guys have a lot of potential (I love Darkwater), I hope their new album will be better.
Harmony is awesome! Can't wait! Oh and I like Darkwater as well but I prefer Harmony...
Harmony is certainly one of my favourite bands, it's great to hear they make a new album. :)

I wish I had the steadiness to make more tabs, but so far I only managed to do four and I'm stuck at two other songs and just cba to carry on and finish them... :erk:
Good and GREAT news!!!! I love thier first work better than the second, the second is "too long" for me (If you know what I mean!) and the voice of Daniel Heiman on Inner peace blow me away!!!! but I like him better in Lost Horizon (sadly loose the track-interest after Daniel left them...) BTW I like more Harmony than Darkwater (makes me yawn...)