New Herder, hows the mix till now?

not finished yet, but would like some pointers if possible :)

im not the first person to crit as i dont know much as im just learning my self so all i can say is from an outsiders POV but listening to the track i feel the the kick needs more beef and to be raised a few DB and maybe with the snare add some body to it and raise it a Few more DB and maybe lower the hats

I Believe to have an awesome track, You need to have and awesome drum production.

Would Be cool if you could let us know what you have used for the track, Like DI's, Samples, Ampsims, Cabs etc :)

Keep ROCKING \m/:wave:
awesome tune, reminds me of kickback (fr).

i think the mix fits the style pretty well. just beef up the kick and snare, and your fine! please dont swap them out with samples; this is not the right kind of music for this.