New here. Metal 8 strings mix


Jul 20, 2013
I guys, i'm new here.

Here is a little part that i'm working on.

Tell me what you guys think

Guitars are axefx with custom IRs (Drop F)
Bass is trilian into sansamp rbi just because I didn't have new strings to record so ehh..
Cymbals are superior drummer
different samples were used for the shells(LSD, Sturgis and vrmusic)

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This sounds good. Very good. Actually, very, very good in my opinion.

Aaand, it didn't exactly lower my enormous WANT for an Axe-Fx, damn you. ):

Oh, but if you want criticism, the drums are a little weak in my opinion. But that guitar tone...
Hey man
Thanks a lot for the input!

Do you hear the snare pumping in the mix?
It could be the decay time of the snare, I'm not sure about that...

This is the first time I go this loud with my mastering chain.
It was hitting at like -7,5 Rms.
Pretty crazy (at least for me)

What could I do to those drums to make them bigger?
My shells are all parallel compressed.
On the shell bus I got :saturation, eq(basically just a high pass with a touch of air added) compressor and a limiter(barely hitting it)

I've got 2 reverbs going on.

One (convolution) is going on the entire shell bus and the other one(algorithm) is used only for the snare in some slow parts of the song.

I need help:confused:

Thanks guys!
Musically it sounds really fucking cool! Mix wise the lowend is pretty lacking to me personally. Kicks need to be fucking nailing me in the chest. Snare is a little far away sounding (only a little, just needs some more pop imo). Bass guitar sounds really soft so perhaps try adding some grit? And guitars sound good enough to me.

Great track though man, really interesting! Nice job and fantastic playing!
Thanks mate!!!
I've high-passed my drum kit at like 60hz. I think that was to much lolll!
I will add some punch to the snare with my trustworthy spl transient designer and cut some of the sustain.
I will raise the ''grit'' bass track a bit.
Do you guys Boost low frequencies at the mastering stage?
I usually don't because I'm always afraid there is to much low end going on.

Thanks for the input guys it's really helpful!
Haha, a high-pass at 60 Hz waaay too much. At least IMO. On my master I usually find myself boosting highs and lowering the lows, haha. But I usually mix very bass-heavy, so it's a way for me to get those lows under control. Listening to it now, the kick sounds a little too clicky too me. Do the guitars have reverb on them, btw? I usually put just a little reverb on most of my tracks - Just enough not too notice but just feel something is there, haha. That's one way too get more depth in your mixes. On my snare track I usually pick the a really big reverb with a very short decay - Usually around 500-1000 Ms!
Thanks mate!!!
I've high-passed my drum kit at like 60hz. I think that was to much lolll!
I will add some punch to the snare with my trustworthy spl transient designer and cut some of the sustain.
I will raise the ''grit'' bass track a bit.
Do you guys Boost low frequencies at the mastering stage?
I usually don't because I'm always afraid there is to much low end going on.

Thanks for the input guys it's really helpful!

NP Man, I would say that with mastering, make sure you get the highs and lows nudged where you need them to be. Be that up or down.

Mastering is just the icing on the cake and used mainly for getting the track up to volume in my experience!
Haha, a high-pass at 60 Hz waaay too much. At least IMO. On my master I usually find myself boosting highs and lowering the lows, haha. But I usually mix very bass-heavy, so it's a way for me to get those lows under control. Listening to it now, the kick sounds a little too clicky too me. Do the guitars have reverb on them, btw? I usually put just a little reverb on most of my tracks - Just enough not too notice but just feel something is there, haha. That's one way too get more depth in your mixes. On my snare track I usually pick the a really big reverb with a very short decay - Usually around 500-1000 Ms!

lollll I will lower or remove the highpass on the kickdrum and I will tame those high frequencies.
What I've done to glue all the things together is to put a room reverb on the 2bus at like 8%wet. Is it good?

I will put a my new mix later!
Again, thanks a lot my friend.
NP Man, I would say that with mastering, make sure you get the highs and lows nudged where you need them to be. Be that up or down.

Mastering is just the icing on the cake and used mainly for getting the track up to volume in my experience!

Thanks a lot man!
I will post the re-mix part with your advices later!
