New here....


Jackhammer Rape
Mar 18, 2004
Long Island
Hey, I just got here, i just figured id make my presence known. I have to say, Amon Amarth is about the best shit ever. I never really listend to any type of death metal, I was always a straightforward Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera fan. My friend had a sample cd from Pit magazine with Friends of the Suncross on it, and I was fucking sold. If it wasnt for Amon Amarth, I wouldnt be listening to half the bands I do now, and I definately wouldnt be in a death metal band.

Yeah, they rock.
\m/ ROCK ON \m/

Oh, and by the way, In Flames is totally weak (cept for that song Clayman) and Opeth becomes boring 1/3 through all of their cd's.
Damageinc840 said:
Hey, I just got here, i just figured id make my presence known. I have to say, Amon Amarth is about the best shit ever. I never really listend to any type of death metal, I was always a straightforward Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera fan. My friend had a sample cd from Pit magazine with Friends of the Suncross on it, and I was fucking sold. If it wasnt for Amon Amarth, I wouldnt be listening to half the bands I do now, and I definately wouldnt be in a death metal band.

Yeah, they rock.
\m/ ROCK ON \m/

Oh, and by the way, In Flames is totally weak (cept for that song Clayman) and Opeth becomes boring 1/3 through all of their cd's.

alright, a couple of tips since your new:

your doin good by saying in flames and opeth suck, nice one

Secondly, you gotta hate me, send me death threats or something and you'll be a shoe-in with the crowd here.

I do disagree though. In flames is very strong. I don't like the song Clayman though. I love their first few CDs. Particularly The Jester Race. Every song is incredibly good on that song. EVERY song (alright the instrumentals are a tad weak). And for Opeth, i think they just take a lot of patience to get into. I didnt like them at first - i listeend to all the wrong songs, but then a friend got me listening to a few good songs, namely "When", "Demon of the Fall", and "Face of Melinda" (my favorite opeth track, but i doubt most of you willl ike it). I think if you like the music of Amon Amarth, then you will SURELY like the music of In Flames (early stuff like The Jester Race). Heck, my mom can't even tell the difference between the two bands. They have similar style IMO. Simple but catchy melodies with very strong rhythm.

Also check out the new in flames song: The Quiet Place. Sounds just like the stuff off of their last album, but its stilll a super catchy song! Great guitar riff! Way to go Jesper!

We probably have different musical tastes though, as i really don't like Pantera one bit. They blow hard nut sack chunks. (thats fucking disgusting damnit) I also am not much of a Megadeth fan... they aren't nearly as talented as metallica and plus, i can't stand Mustaine's vocals. If you dare say "Peace Sells" is the best song ever, ill have to shoot you.

oh yea, and Damage Inc. is the worst song on MOP...
alright, a couple of tips since your new
tip for you, is to stop reading mekanes post right after that. cuz anything that he says is bull shit and not worth the time. it will also probably give you some kinda anurism (sp?) from thinking to hard about the idiocy he just posted in any of his post.

here is an example of one of mekanes posts:
"I am a big faggot and i come onto dudes over the internet and stalk my neighbor on teh second floor of my building. and you know what else? my dad is stronger then your dad!!! inflajeionwl is thjkle kcooilest bbnand ever... oh sorry you couldnt understand me i had a cock in my mouth. well anyway, inflames is the koolest band ever! download this song "When" by Opeth. inflames is the koolest band ever! download this song "When" by Opeth inflames is the koolest band ever! download this song "When" by Opeth inflames is the koolest band ever! download this song "When" by Opeth inflames is the koolest band ever! download this song "When" by Opeth inflames is the koolest band ever! download this song "When" by Opeth inflames is the koolest band ever! download this song "When" by Opeth inflames is the koolest band ever! download this song "When" by Opeth. well i gotta go to toys r us and touch myself in front of little girls in the barbie isle."

yeah thats about how one of mekanes post goes.... its basicly that every post he has. well have fun on the kill mekane forum. errr... amon amarth forum...
Im going do completley disagree with you. Clayman is the decent cd with theire new singer, Anders, on it. Since then, hes vocals have deterioated dramatically. ESPECIALLY on their most recent releases. Their original singer was somewhat good (i dont remember his name), and that song moonshield has some interesting melodies in it. Since then, the only song that has really caught my attention, as far as not suckign ass, is Clayman. The rest of that cd wasnt even taht great, and everything took a big step towards being horrible, bnecause Ander's vocals got worse and worse with every single album.

As for Opeth, Ive given them plenty of time. The former guitarist in band named them as his favorite band (for obvious reasons, he no longer plays with the band). Ive found that their death metal is nothing too special, noting too fast, nothing to heavy, nothing overly technical. And it seems every single time they gain momentum, the end up blasting it to pieces, with in my my opinion, extremely weak acoustic passages. Not to mention, their singer, Mikeal Anderfelt, i think?, is neither an accomplished death metal vocalist or clean vocalist. HOWEVER, he is involved in a side project called Bloodbath, which apparently channels all the heaviness he wished he had in Opeth. Demon of the Fall is an OK song, but again, it has that nasty Opeth tendency to get too long boring and repetive, and leaves me wondering when its going to end. Especially when he reperts the title about 70 times in the song. When is ok, but again, its presence on an Opeth cd is lost with all their pointless "melodic" acoustic passages.

So there you have it. Im really not quite as ignorant as you apparently think I am, Ive listend to both bands, and Ill tell you-I think they suck. Amon Amarth, however, is fucking Incredible.

Pantera doesnt blow nut sack chunks (nice third grade education though, you goddamned mongoloid), Vinnie Paul is an extremely talented drummer, probably the best in his genre. Dimebag Darell is an incrdible guitarist, he easily outshreds just about anyone out there, as far as solo's go, with the exception of probably Jon Pertucci, Steve Vai, JOe Satriani, and perhaps Micheal Romeo. And yes, I know they were a hair band at one point. That makes them awesome, because instead of selling out, the strated sold out and went backwards, something ive never heard of.

Megadeth is not nearly as good as Metallica. No shit. Dave Mustaines vocals suck. No shit. No wonder you seem so smart. Wait, you arent. At all. In the least bit. You are, in fact, stupid. Megadeth is not nearly as good as Metallica, but they are still a very good band. Peace Sells... good song, but not my favorite. The album is my favorite album though. In my opinion, their best song is Hanger 18, as Mustaine realyl shows his prowess as a songwritter.

Every single solitary song on Master of puppets is a goddamned masterpiece. Every single song, from beggining to end, is incredible, making one truly cohesive and fucking excellent album, making it different from Opeth releases, which are notoriously stop go stop go. Damage Inc in a throw back to metallicas early days by including a blisteing thrash song amongst all the newer, far mroe technical metal they were playing. Its a good song.

Also, dont ebver threaten me again. Thats just stupid. ESpecially involving firearm. Ive been a member of the NRA for several years, and Im also in the U.S. Army. Your beign completely ignorant.

Now that ive taken myself down you your level, i feel stupid and dirty for having to justify my opinions to an ignorant crumudgeon such as yourself. Thanks.

Hi. I'm new to this forum as well.

Fucking love Amon Amarth. I wish I had discovered them earlier. My favorite band is Hypocrisy, but AA is becoming a close second. :headbang:
Damageinc840 said:
Demon of the Fall is an OK song, but again, it has that nasty Opeth tendency to get too long boring and repetive, and leaves me wondering when its going to end. Especially when he reperts the title about 70 times in the song. When is ok, but again, its presence on an Opeth cd is lost with all their pointless "melodic" acoustic passages.


Demon of the Fall is actually less repetitive when ocmpared to most Opeth songs. The title is repeated three times, dude - and thats one of the best parts of the song. But i don't think repetiveness is a bad thing. Heck, Amon Amarth is almost as repetitive as some black metal bands. And on that note, i recommend you do not listen to the Opeth song "To Bid You Farewell". Good song, but you will probably kill yourself before its over.

I am not quite sure what you meant by 'melodic acoustic passages'. I still wait for a band to play non-melodic acoustic passages. That will be the greatest band on earth - probably will call theirselves the damageinc140s.

My guess is that Opeth is just not the right band for you, like i said before, we obviously have different tastes. I personally think the part with melodic vocals at the end of Demon of the Fall is the best part of the song. I think thats what u were saying... there is actually no acoustic guitar there.... the only acoustic guitar in that song is for a bridge and the last few seconds of the ending.

And i have the feeling you haven't heard that much of In Flames based on what you said about them. Check out the songs "Jotun" and "Episode 666". Clayman and Moonshield don't seem like songs you would like... so this band might just suit you.

Also, death metal can be what you said it wasn't... there are plenty of fast, heavy, technical, special, etc. death metal bands out there. How can you say Amon Amarth isn't heavy? Thats rediculous!

if you want technical, try the band "Death", pretty much any song off of "Individual Thought Patterns" will display their technical brilliance - if thats what you want.

if you want heavy, look no further than Amon Amarth, try the song "Bleed For Ancient Gods" - If you want rediculously heavy, almost out of control, try Nile - "Smashing the antiu"

Special - thats a matter of opinion.

Fast - someone else might have better ideas here... but try "Of Chaos and Eternal Night" by Dark Tranquillity. Not exactly "Raining Blood" type speed, but the vocals are pretty rapid fire.
mekane said:
Demon of the Fall is actually less repetitive when ocmpared to most Opeth songs. The title is repeated three times, dude - and thats one of the best parts of the song. But i don't think repetiveness is a bad thing. Heck, Amon Amarth is almost as repetitive as some black metal bands. And on that note, i recommend you do not listen to the Opeth song "To Bid You Farewell". Good song, but you will probably kill yourself before its over.

I am not quite sure what you meant by 'melodic acoustic passages'. I still wait for a band to play non-melodic acoustic passages. That will be the greatest band on earth - probably will call theirselves the damageinc140s.

My guess is that Opeth is just not the right band for you, like i said before, we obviously have different tastes. I personally think the part with melodic vocals at the end of Demon of the Fall is the best part of the song. I think thats what u were saying... there is actually no acoustic guitar there.... the only acoustic guitar in that song is for a bridge and the last few seconds of the ending.

And i have the feeling you haven't heard that much of In Flames based on what you said about them. Check out the songs "Jotun" and "Episode 666". Clayman and Moonshield don't seem like songs you would like... so this band might just suit you.

sorry squire i think i broke the record...
sorry squire i think i broke the record...
sorry squire i think i broke the record...
sorry squire i think i broke the record...
sorry squire i think i broke the record...
mekane said:
alright, a couple of tips since your new:

your doin good by saying in flames and opeth suck, nice one

Secondly, you gotta hate me, send me death threats or something and you'll be a shoe-in with the crowd here.

I do disagree though. In flames is very strong. I don't like the song Clayman though. I love their first few CDs. Particularly The Jester Race. Every song is incredibly good on that song. EVERY song (alright the instrumentals are a tad weak). And for Opeth, i think they just take a lot of patience to get into. I didnt like them at first - i listeend to all the wrong songs, but then a friend got me listening to a few good songs, namely "When", "Demon of the Fall", and "Face of Melinda" (my favorite opeth track, but i doubt most of you willl ike it). I think if you like the music of Amon Amarth, then you will SURELY like the music of In Flames (early stuff like The Jester Race). Heck, my mom can't even tell the difference between the two bands. They have similar style IMO. Simple but catchy melodies with very strong rhythm.

Also check out the new in flames song: The Quiet Place. Sounds just like the stuff off of their last album, but its stilll a super catchy song! Great guitar riff! Way to go Jesper!

We probably have different musical tastes though, as i really don't like Pantera one bit. They blow hard nut sack chunks. (thats fucking disgusting damnit) I also am not much of a Megadeth fan... they aren't nearly as talented as metallica and plus, i can't stand Mustaine's vocals. If you dare say "Peace Sells" is the best song ever, ill have to shoot you.

oh yea, and Damage Inc. is the worst song on MOP...

Well lets see then...

Peace sells is a good song....
mekane said:
alright, a couple of tips since your new:

your doin good by saying in flames and opeth suck, nice one

Secondly, you gotta hate me, send me death threats or something and you'll be a shoe-in with the crowd here.

I do disagree though. In flames is very strong........
This is lame.... youre so low now you know that?
What are you talking about?

Non-melodic acoustic passages? Dillinger escape plan. Most jazz musicians, and in my opinion, Opeth. And im not talking about the acoustic passages in that one song, Im talking about on their cd's as a whole. Im not as ignorant as you as to base my opinion on a single song. That was made clear, but you seemed to be unable to pick up on that.

Dont tell me about heavy, fast, or technical. You want technical, listen to Yngwie Malsteem Icarus Dreamsuite IV. Technical, yeah, I'll agree, Death is a most excellent band, but not nearly the most technical. Fast? Hate Eternal, Arch Enemy, Nile, I think you'll be hard pressed to find faster drumming and riffing. And asshole, i never said death metal isnt fast, heavy or technical. I said Opeth's version of death metal, (you know, the music they play?) is not overly fast, overly techical, or overly heavy, MEANING THEY ARE NOTHING SPECIAL. Dont tell me about NIle, I own all of their cd's and have seen them in concert. I also own every Amon Amarth cd, dont tell me about them being heavy. As a matter of a fact, dont tell me about anything.

I also own three In FLames cd's, and have downloaded numerous songs. The cd's are currently costers. I know what the band is like.

So, to better suit your third grade education, here's some Dr. Suess-

"I do not like them faggot mekane, I do not like shitty in flames."
"Their music sucks here and there, Their music sucks everywhere"
"I do not care about your pick, so shut up mekane, and suck my dick"

Thanks. NOw go fuck yourself, you've made me feel very very stupid for talking to you, especially after noticing you cant read. God, I hate you. Why dont you jus get cancer?

"I do not like them faggot mekane, I do not like shitty in flames."
"Their music sucks here and there, Their music sucks everywhere"
"I do not care about your pick, so shut up mekane, and suck my dick"

OMG to funny.