New here


Jun 15, 2005
behind my guitar
Hi - I found this forum in a link on the Mesa Boogie forum and instantly registered. :) This looks like my kind of place.

A little about me - I've been a guitar player for about 10 years, but have only been a guitarist for the last two. I played in a few North East Ohio metal bands up until October of 2003 when I moved to Indianapolis, where I live now with my two roommates - my new band's drummer, and my girlfriend.

Right now while my band winds up, I'm working as a technical writer for a large pharma company (which grants me online access all day at work). Apart from playing in my band, I'm obsessed with all things guitar, gear, and home recording, which is all a constant learning process for me.

Anyway that's about all I'd want to say without being asked for more details (I've bored you folks enough) so hopefully I'll be able to contribute to some interesting discussion here.

yo what's up?
i'm new here as well and like you i play the guitar and i'm obsessed with gear and all the other stuff (but i only play for about 4 years).
and to think that all this time i thought i was the only one obsessed with gear...