New Icarus Witch live video

I just found this on Youtube yesterday. Someone took this at our Y&T tour stop in August. I remember there being cameras there (as there were in many venues), but had no idea this footage existed. Not too horrible.

We're working on a new original recording and video of our song "Tragedy" to release before our December tour with Paul DiAnno.

In the meantime, check out this raw live vid of and let me know what you think.

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sounds pretty good...always hard to tell with live videos. Looking forward to the new disc. I was one of the few who gave good reviews last time you played Chicago with DiAnno. It was a rough crowd but I thought it was a good set, but could have used a few more upbeat tracks.

You guys are one of the many under rated US metal acts out there.
I really wish you were not playing on Christmas in Chicago. Since I have family stuff going on I unfortunatly will be missing the show. Plus seeing DiAnno once is enough for a lifetime.