I just went back and looked at the lineup that year. That was an amazing lineup overall. It had to be if CM was an opener. Cage gave one of the best opening performances I've ever seen that year.

That was by far the most bittersweet lineup there was in my opinion. Saturday night was incredible, but it still hurts to think that Andre Matos was supposed to headline Friday and had to cancel due to god damn visa issues...
It is just funny that people are demanding US bands on the ProgPower line up when there has been a ton. I think what people mean to say is they want more traditional metal being represented on the line up. The sad part is that it does not draw. There are 2 US fest that focus on this genre and both do not draw huge crowds where one would think from reading internet buzz that US metal bands get.

Like Al said....the main issue is that these bands want more than they are worth. It is really scary what they ask for a show. Most of the times as well it is one original member and all hired guns so you are not even getting the classic line up.

I do get what people are saying with giving a newer band even though Icarus Witch have been around for a long time a break into the big time. It would be cool.
ok i take back part of my statement. Circus Maximus i thought opened earlier in festival history not that recently. i am getting too damn old! And yes, Icarus Witch would be better than Haken and Illusion Suite were.

If anyone hasn't heard the new Icarus Witch album you are missing out. It's in my top 10 for 2012.
It is just funny that people are demanding US bands on the ProgPower line up when there has been a ton. I think what people mean to say is they want more traditional metal being represented on the line up. The sad part is that it does not draw. There are 2 US fest that focus on this genre and both do not draw huge crowds where one would think from reading internet buzz that US metal bands get.

Like Al said....the main issue is that these bands want more than they are worth. It is really scary what they ask for a show. Most of the times as well it is one original member and all hired guns so you are not even getting the classic line up.

I do get what people are saying with giving a newer band even though Icarus Witch have been around for a long time a break into the big time. It would be cool.

well that could be debated as well. You know yourself how those "other two" fest are promoted si there isn't going to be pull anyway. And you also know that a band farting Dixie could be on Progpower and several people would get into it. AND there is a lot more than just "traditional" metal in the U.S.; Solitude Aeturnus (goosh that name keeps coming up), Hammers of Misfortune the most "progressive" metal band out there, Cynic, Atheist, So no it is not about traditional metal bands at all, though that would be nice to get some.
As for Icarus Witch; those guys are closer to being Dokken than a traditional metal band. HAHSA Not saying that is band at all.
I suppose it is like wanting to combine two things; Progpower is a perfect festival as for how well it is ran and comfort, just the bands (for myself of course) just doesn't it for me... well not like those earlier line-ups.
I wonder if these threads make Glenn and Jen want to throw their hands up in disgust some times. There are a lot of great bands out there, many of whom I wouldn't have checked out without hearing about them thru PP or this board. But I have pretty much decided that Glenn knows a metric fuckton more than I do about putting on a festival, so I am pretty content to just put in my sponsorship requests for bands I would really like to see.
I wonder if these threads make Glenn and Jen want to throw their hands up in disgust some times. There are a lot of great bands out there, many of whom I wouldn't have checked out without hearing about them thru PP or this board. But I have pretty much decided that Glenn knows a metric fuckton more than I do about putting on a festival, so I am pretty content to just put in my sponsorship requests for bands I would really like to see.

I don't know for sure, but I would assume that every now and then threads like these can come in handy. However, I know that a thread such as "Bands You're Surprised Aren't on the Lineup for Next Year" can come off as a big slap on the face; almost second-guessing his decision-making process and ability to book the festival.
I wonder if these threads make Glenn and Jen want to throw their hands up in disgust some times. There are a lot of great bands out there, many of whom I wouldn't have checked out without hearing about them thru PP or this board. But I have pretty much decided that Glenn knows a metric fuckton more than I do about putting on a festival, so I am pretty content to just put in my sponsorship requests for bands I would really like to see.

Think this common would break up a lot of my thoughts.
But hey it is what we do no harm done. It is a good fest regardless
I wonder if these threads make Glenn and Jen want to throw their hands up in disgust some times. There are a lot of great bands out there, many of whom I wouldn't have checked out without hearing about them thru PP or this board. But I have pretty much decided that Glenn knows a metric fuckton more than I do about putting on a festival, so I am pretty content to just put in my sponsorship requests for bands I would really like to see.

I'm pretty much with you. I mean.. there are bands I'd love to see get booked, but it's not like that's my job. It's his, and he's done a good job of it, so I'm fairly certain he knows how to do it.
I suppose it is like wanting to combine two things; Progpower is a perfect festival as for how well it is ran and comfort, just the bands (for myself of course) just doesn't it for me... well not like those earlier line-ups.

I think this gets closer to the heart of the matter. If it were up to me the lineup would be half blazer-wearing AOR bands and half crusty old bullet belt metal. It would also draw roughly 12 people.

PPUSA is the gold standard for American festivals. I think we all want our tastes represented at a fest that is run like this one and has that reputation and community, even if that's not always reasonable.

Except for Icarus Witch, who would totally work. :lol:
I wonder if these threads make Glenn and Jen want to throw their hands up in disgust some times. There are a lot of great bands out there, many of whom I wouldn't have checked out without hearing about them thru PP or this board. But I have pretty much decided that Glenn knows a metric fuckton more than I do about putting on a festival, so I am pretty content to just put in my sponsorship requests for bands I would really like to see.

Yes, but if we got rid of the "band x should play PPUSA" and rank speculation threads we'd kill 95% of the board activity. Love it or hate it, it does have us all thinking and talking about the fest.
Yes, but if we got rid of the "band x should play PPUSA" and rank speculation threads we'd kill 95% of the board activity. Love it or hate it, it does have us all thinking and talking about the fest.
I think it's really a question of tone, though. Sure, it's a positive to discuss bands we'd like to see, but when it crosses the line into people implying (or straight up saying) that Glenn doesn't know what he's doing, it's essentially coming into his house and taking a shit.

I can't speak to how he reads things, but to me, that there are some posts that come off as enthusiastic and positive, and some that just come off as taking a potshot at his booking decisions.
I think it's really a question of tone, though. Sure, it's a positive to discuss bands we'd like to see, but when it crosses the line into people implying (or straight up saying) that Glenn doesn't know what he's doing, it's essentially coming into his house and taking a shit.

I can't speak to how he reads things, but to me, that there are some posts that come off as enthusiastic and positive, and some that just come off as taking a potshot at his booking decisions.

Fair point.
I think this gets closer to the heart of the matter. If it were up to me the lineup would be half blazer-wearing AOR bands and half crusty old bullet belt metal. It would also draw roughly 12 people.

PPUSA is the gold standard for American festivals. I think we all want our tastes represented at a fest that is run like this one and has that reputation and community, even if that's not always reasonable.

Except for Icarus Witch, who would totally work. :lol:

I would go with that idea of AOR and bulletbelt bands.
Still totally disagree that it would not do well; I strongly believe whatever is booked there will work, and it is the fest in a whole that draws not one band. That being said Icarus Witch or even Widow would not hlp or hurt the fest.
I think this gets closer to the heart of the matter. If it were up to me the lineup would be half blazer-wearing AOR bands and half crusty old bullet belt metal. It would also draw roughly 12 people.

PPUSA is the gold standard for American festivals. I think we all want our tastes represented at a fest that is run like this one and has that reputation and community, even if that's not always reasonable.

this! I'm totally happy with the lineups the past 2 years going on 3, the bottom line is its easy to arm chair quarterback which bands we would want but if it were that easy, we would all have our own fests! Trust in The Harvester! :rock:
I think it's really a question of tone, though. Sure, it's a positive to discuss bands we'd like to see, but when it crosses the line into people implying (or straight up saying) that Glenn doesn't know what he's doing, it's essentially coming into his house and taking a shit.

I can't speak to how he reads things, but to me, that there are some posts that come off as enthusiastic and positive, and some that just come off as taking a potshot at his booking decisions.

tone [tohn] Show IPA ,noun, verb, toned, ton·ing.
1. any sound considered with reference to its quality, pitch, strength, source, etc.: shrill tones.
2. quality or character of sound.
3. vocal sound; the sound made by vibrating muscular bands in the larynx.

Nothing said about reading; problem is with forums is that people are always trying to hear a "tone"
tone [tohn] Show IPA ,noun, verb, toned, ton·ing.
1. any sound considered with reference to its quality, pitch, strength, source, etc.: shrill tones.
2. quality or character of sound.
3. vocal sound; the sound made by vibrating muscular bands in the larynx.

Nothing said about reading; problem is with forums is that people are always trying to hear a "tone"

If you keep reading down:

6. (literature) The manner in which speech or writing is expressed.

Tone is a perfectly acceptable descriptor for the written word. In fact, during many of my literature classes, a narrator's "tone" was dissected right after our discussion of his/her trustworthiness.