new Iced Earth video

NicodemiX said:
heh, I laugh at any christian american who sees the music video, likes it, and then goes out and buys Burnt Offerings because they think thats the kind of music on it hahahaha.

Well if thats what it takes to get people into music that is acctually good, im willing to risk it.
Eagle Cries is wretched, schmaltzy, castrated, whiny sappy, shit. Throw it on the scrap heap.

However, the other three songs I've heard...Hollow Man is a pretty decent ballad, better than most of their previous efforts (Tim doesn't get whiny like Barlow did; Matt's only weakness as a singer). Reckoning is an excellent piece of metal with some definite thrash riffage. And Red Baron = SPEED FUCKING METAL and thus it is awesome.

But Eagle makes me want to hurl.
I couldnt see nor hear it...when i did try to upload it it gave me something different..i guess ill spare myself and not see the atrocity that they have created...