New Iced Earth

Tracklist for the new Iced Earth album:

'Days Of Rage'
'Soylent Green'
'Boiling Point'
'Anguish Of Youth'
'Iron Will'
'Dark City'
'End Of Innocence'
'Tragedy And Triumph'

I am looking forward to this album. I have been reading a few dystopian novels in my time. Of course George Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', Aldous Huxley's 'A Brave New World', Yevgeny Zamyatin's 'We', Ayn Rand's 'Anthem', Ira Levin's 'This Perfect Day', Stephen King's 'The Running Man', and Robert Harris's 'Fatherland'.

As you can see, 'Anthem' is on the track list. It might have a completely different subject but it is interesting to see it mentioned among the titles.

A Wikipedia list of Dystopian novels is here:

Wikipedia list of Distopian music, TV programs, and games:,_TV_programmes,_and_games

And Wikipedia's list of Distopian films:

And let me ad this list, the top 50 Dystopian movies of all time:
I am looking forward to this album. I have been reading a few dystopian novels in my time. Of course George Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', Aldous Huxley's 'A Brave New World', Yevgeny Zamyatin's 'We', Ayn Rand's 'Anthem', Ira Levin's 'This Perfect Day', Stephen King's 'The Running Man', and Robert Harris's 'Fatherland'.

I need to go re-read 1984. I read it way back in high school, but really remember nothing beyond the basic premise.
I need to go re-read 1984. I read it way back in high school, but really remember nothing beyond the basic premise.

Hijacking the thread, "1984" it's a great novel as sci-fi, dystopian future, English literature.

I read it for the first time in my junior year in college (which was incidentally 1984 :D), have re-read it a couple of times and I believe the movie (2nd version) was very faithful to the book, which is rare.

I'm not into Iced Earth, but for dystopian future based songs, just check Star One "Victims Of The Modern Age".