New Immolation video!

Cryptkeeper said:
Like Ulver?

You pathetic little fanboys should stop and read what you type before you post such "witty" inanities like: "Heh, heh, this coming from an Ulver fan LOLZ."
Cythraul said:
I've only heard Unholy Cult but I have to say, it was a steaming pile of crap. Sure they have a knack for coming up with some interesting harmonies but none of the ideas on that album sounded fully developed. The melodic ideas are half-assed, they don't develop. They sound more like rough drafts of songs than actual properly written songs. And whoever does the leads in that band is fucking terrible. That guys leads are basically musical non-sequiturs. They're badly composed and only serve as annoying diversions to already mediocre songs.

Funeral Portrait said:
For some reason Immolation is the one band that NO ONE is allowed to not like on this forum.

Yeah, that's fucking pathetic. I posted my opinion on them and now I've got a bunch of whining fanboys hounding me and asking me to list bands I like. So much for any reasoned argument against the points I made. Oh well, what can I expect from death metal fans.
Cythraul said:
Yeah, that's fucking pathetic. I posted my opinion on them and now I've got a bunch of whining fanboys hounding me and asking me to list bands I like. So much for any reasoned argument against the points I made. Oh well, what can I expect from death metal fans.
I guess you're just too cerebral for us :worship:
I'm a death metal buff myself, I've just simply never enjoyed anything I've heard from Immolation. I don't listen to music and judge it based on how technical it is or how complicated it is, I listen to what sounds good to my fucking ears. I'm a vocalist, so I do however judge alot of the music by the vocals, and I think his suck. Almost every word he growls ends in a "eyeegh" sound and it annoys the hell out of me.
Spirit In Black said:
I guess you're just too cerebral for us :worship:

No, if you disagree with me then explain to me in musical terms why you think Immolation is so good and why you think I'm wrong. Of course, you haven't done that so you decide to break out the witty retorts such as the one above.
Cythraul said:
You pathetic little fanboys should stop and read what you type before you post such "witty" inanities like: "Heh, heh, this coming from an Ulver fan LOLZ."
Um, I actually did read what you posted and laughted at it. Immolation's melodic ideas sound like rough drafts of songs than actual properly written songs is one of the funniest things I've ever read.
Cythraul said:
No, if you disagree with me then explain to me in musical terms why you think Immolation is so good and why you think I'm wrong. Of course, you haven't done that so you decide to break out the witty retorts such as the one above.
well Immolation have some of the most evil unique riffs that I have ever heard...their leads aren't supposed to be melodic or whatever, they add to the overall atmosphere of the music...and as for their songs not being fully developed I completely disagree...immolation has some of the best songwriting i've heard in death metal, they change tempos enough to keep things interesting and don't overload songs with meaningless riffs like some bands...every riff is excellent
Cythraul said:
No, if you disagree with me then explain to me in musical terms why you think Immolation is so good and why you think I'm wrong. Of course, you haven't done that so you decide to break out the witty retorts such as the one above.
Well, the fact that you like Ulver does show that all you're capable of comprehending is basic rock/pop that's designed to seem "profound" by minor aesthetic shifts.

Personally, I would be interested in knowing these "half-assed melodic ideas" or "shitty solos". They do perfectly fine at conveying a worldview where there is no saving force and death is just a step away. It's not supposed to sound easy and comforting.
Cynical said:
Well, the fact that you like Ulver does show that all you're capable of comprehending is basic rock/pop that's designed to seem "profound" by minor aesthetic shifts.

Personally, I would be interested in knowing these "half-assed melodic ideas" or "shitty solos". They do perfectly fine at conveying a worldview where there is no saving force and death is just a step away. It's not supposed to sound easy and comforting.

Bergtatt, Nattens Madrigal, and Lyckantropen Themes have nothing to with rock/pop neither aesthetically nor structurally. I'd rather listen to a band that delves into concepts and subject matter outside of ephemeral anti-christian rhetoric. If you like music that reflects and espouses lyrically banal "christ-hating" babble then go right on ahead. Good music is soundly structured. It not only applies to the overall structure but to the melodic content as well. I'm not interested in how "evil" a riff sounds or how well a piece of music reflects someones narrow worldview. I care about well constructed melodies. Well constructed music does not imply that it must sound easy and comforting. Beethoven is not necessarily easy to listen to but his music is far and away better than any riff collection a dm band could pull out of their asses. I do not care about bullshit underground rhetoric. If you'd like to argue music theory with me then try, you'll fail.
This board needs to chill out. Whilst I like Immolation for their apparent "half-assed melodies and drafted songwriting", Cythraul doesn't. So let's let it go and let the man decide his own music taste for himself. And Ulver rules.